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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Mutable Instruments Frames

¥44,900 (税抜 ¥40,818)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 18HP
Current: 90mA@ +12V, 30mA @ -12V
Quick Start Guide(English,pdf)
Manual Page(English)

保証: なし(受取り1週間以内の初期不良のみ対応)
付属品: 電源ケーブル、M3ネジ

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Frames is the unique module which can let you do sequence / morphing between the setting that let I appoint the gain level of each channel with the knob of four upper parts and memorize it.

As for the setting of the gain level, it is pre-seted 64Key frameI save it in one of). And I move between key frames by central big "Frame" knob and CV, and four gains perform a change (animation), too. Of course I come by CV and both audio systems processing, and the course of the signal is analog while making use of digital control to the full. I can use it intuitively, and how to use very flexible as follows is possible.
  • 4CH attenuator /VCA
  • 4CH mixer
  • The CV source which can program 4CH
  • Signal dispatcher of 4CH

Inputs & Outputs

It is considerably put its ingenuity in routing of the input in Frames. The channel which is not performed patching of by input Jack of the individual channel,ALL inputI share a signal input に into with input. In putting "10V OFFSET" switch when is less performed any patching by ALL input in the channelThe constant voltage of 10VBut, it is made routing as input.

The input signal of each channel goes to the output passing through the attenuator of each channel. When it is made patching by output Jack of the individual channel, a signal is output by that,When it is not made patching, it is output by MIX out.Because the output of those channels mixes it from MIX out if there is a similar channel and is output, it becomes a mixer.


I perform setting and the preservation of change properties of the key frame by the push and hold of the ADD/DEL button. Look at the explanation of each button about them.


The explanation of all parts is displayed in mouse over  


Frames comes to work with a different mode by the repeated blows of ADD button and the DEL button.

Sequencer MODE

Please finish turning the (MODULATION knob which a key frame comes to advance to whenever put a clock signal in Frame CV to the right without it being, and the Frame knob working for a sequencer mode when push five times of ADD buttons in condition a key frame being (the state that key frame LED glitters);). Similarly, I return to a normal mode by ADD button five times push.

Quadrature MODE

It becomes "Quadrature MODE" when I push ten times of DEL buttons, and, in the state that passed a frame knob to the first left, as for each output, it is to an oscillator with VCA of a different wave pattern. Input of 1-4 becomes the CV input of VCA then. It comes to keep on opening, and a sound continues appearing in VCA without making patching for these input when I turn on a 10V offset. Frame knob and CV control frequency, and the gain knob of each channel works following.
  • The CH1 gain knob chooses a wave pattern among a wavetable.
  • The CH2 gain knob controls difference in waveform from each output. All output outputs the same wave pattern in the middle.
  • I create phase differences for each output when I turn the CH3 gain knob to the clock circumference from the middle and create cycle scorers for each output when I turn it counterclockwise from the middle.
  • Phase comes to be performed modulation of by the signal of a channel next to each other on the right side / left side of each channel by moving CH4 from the middle.


通常のモードからはじまり、2:54くらいでSequencer MODEのデモが始まります。4:46くらいからQuadrature MODEのデモが始まります。
