Befaco 1U OUT
¥18,900 (税抜 ¥17,182)高品質ヘッドフォンアンプを搭載。Intellijel製ケースのピンアウト配列を採用する出力モジュールMUSICAL FEATURES Outは、モジュラーからのオーディオ信号をラインレベルに変換するために設計された1Uステレオ出力モジュールです。Main Inにパッチした信号が背面上のピンに出力されるので、そのピンをIntellijel Performance CaseやPalette Ca...
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Befaco 1U ST Amp
¥17,900 (税抜 ¥16,273)Intellijel製ケースとダイレクトに接続できる1Uフォーマットのステレオ・プリアンプMUSICAL FEATURES ST Ampは、外部信号をモジュラーレベルにブーストするために設計された1Uステレオアンプです。このモジュールはIntellijel 1Uフォーマットで設計されており、同じピンアウトを使用しているため、Intelljelケースのリアコネクタと完全に互換性があ...
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Befaco 1U STMix
Out of StockHexmixのエキスパンダーとしても機能する1UフォーマットのSTMixMUSICAL FEATURES STMixは、1Uフォーマット/28HPの4チャンネルステレオミキサーです。単独で動作するほか、背面にある6ピンコネクタを介して同社のHexmixモジュールのエキスパンダーとして動作します。このモジュールはIntellijelの1Uフォーマットで設計されてい...
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Intellijel Designs AUDIO I/O Jacks 1U
¥2,750 (税抜 ¥2,500)Audio I/O 1Uの入出力用モジュールMUSICAL FEATURES AUDIO I/O 1Uinput and output module for use in 1U space such as 4U case (old type that is not Palette).
Intellijel Designs Blank Panels 1U
from ¥1,000 (税抜 ¥909)1UのブランクパネルThe 1U module of Intellijel is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format of Synthrotek and Pulp Logic.Please install it in the Intellijel 4U, 7U cas...
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Intellijel Designs Buff Mult 1U
¥7,900 (税抜 ¥7,182)1UのバファードマルチプルIntellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format smade by Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Install it in intellijel 4U, 7U case, etc. Fo...
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Intellijel Designs Digiverb 1U
¥32,900 (税抜 ¥29,909)MIDI 1Uに8つのアサイン可能なCV出力を追加するエキスパンダー。ポリフォニックMIDIコントロールやドラムモード、マルチチャンネルCC/CV変換をサポートThe 1 U module of Intellijel is not compatible with the 1 U "TILE" format made in Synthrotek and Pulp Logic. I install it in 4 U of Intellijel, a 7...
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Intellijel Designs Digiverb 1U
¥12,900 (税抜 ¥11,727)1UのシンプルなローファイリバーブThe 1 U module of Intellijel is not compatible with the 1 U "TILE" format made in Synthrotek and Pulp Logic. I install it in 4 U of Intellijel, a 7...
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Intellijel Designs Dual VCA 1U
¥18,400 (税抜 ¥16,727)コンパクトでステレオ処理にも向いたVCAMUSICAL FEATURES Compact 2-channel VCA module. The characteristics are linear and DC coupled. The signal and CV inputs are internally wired so t...
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Intellijel Designs Duatt
¥12,900 (税抜 ¥11,727)オフセット出力やミックス機能もついたアッテネータ・アッテインバータ。1UサイズIntellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format from Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Please install and use it in Intellijel 4U, 7U ca...
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Intellijel Designs FSR 1U
¥12,900 (税抜 ¥11,727)圧力をCVに変換して出力する便利モジュールMUSICAL FEATURES The FSR 1U is a pressure CV output module using custom-made sensing resistors. In addition to the CV output according to the press...
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Intellijel Designs Line In 1U
¥7,900 (税抜 ¥7,182)Intellijel 1Uフォーマットのラインレベル入力、ユーロラック・レベルシフター。MUSICAL FEATURES Line In 1Uは、ハードウェアシンセサイザーやドラムマシン等、ラインレベルの外部機器をユーロラックレベルに最適化するためのコンパクトで簡単な解決法です。お手持ちのデスクトップギアやラックマウントタイプのエフェクト・ユニット、DAWからの出力等、バラン...
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Intellijel Designs Line Out 1U
¥6,900 (税抜 ¥6,273)シンプルで品質の高いラインレベル出力1UモジュールIntellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format smade by Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Install it in intellijel 4U, 7U case, etc. Fo...
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Intellijel Designs Digiverb 1U
¥35,900 (税抜 ¥32,636)アプリでの設定も可能。CVxの併用でポリフォニックやドラムモードも実現するユーロラックのためのMIDIソリューションThe 1 U module of Intellijel is not compatible with the 1 U "TILE" format made in Synthrotek and Pulp Logic. I install it in 4 U of Intellijel, a 7...
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Intellijel marks
¥4,900 (税抜 ¥4,455)1UのパッシブマルチプルThe 1U module of intellijel is not compatible with the synonytek and 1p "scale" format made by pulp logic. Install in 4U, 7U case of intellijel. Si...
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Intellijel Designs Multi-FX 1U
¥22,900 (税抜 ¥20,818)同期可能なディレイ、暖かいコーラス、プレートリバーブを切り替えられるエフェクトモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES Multi-FX is a mono-stereo I / O effect module with well-tuned switchable delay chorus reverb effects. The mode of the effect i...
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Intellijel Designs Noise Random Tools 1U
¥18,400 (税抜 ¥16,727)ノイズ・ランダム・S&H・スルーがパッケージされた手頃な1UツールボックスモジュールIntellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format smade by Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Install it in intellijel 4U, 7U case, etc. Fo...
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Intellijel Designs Noise Random Tools 1U
¥14,900 (税抜 ¥13,545)ノイズ・ランダム・S&H・スルーがパッケージされた手頃な1UツールボックスモジュールIntellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format smade by Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Install it in intellijel 4U, 7U case, etc. Fo...
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Intellijel Designs Octalink 1U
¥16,900 (税抜 ¥15,364)8つのシグナルをまとめてLANケーブルで送る便利ツール。モジュール2つ&ケーブルのセットですMUSICAL FEATURES Octalink 1U is a module for sending eight signals together with a single LAN cable. If you have a patch between two 7U cases throu...
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Intellijel Designs Passive LPG 1U
¥7,900 (税抜 ¥7,182)バクトロール・ベースのシンプルな1Uパッシブ・ローパスゲートMUSICAL FEATURES Passive LPG 1Uは、バクトロール・ベース、1Uのシンプルなパッシブ・ローパスゲートです。電源を必要としないパッシブ回路のバクトロールLPGの音響特性は、入力するオーディオ信号にある程度依存し、信号の音量と音色の変化を自然で有機的に与えることができま...
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Intellijel Designs Pedal I / O 1U
¥17,900 (税抜 ¥16,273)1UのエフェクトペダルインターフェースモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES Pedal I / O 1U is an interface module for modular use of effect pedals. It has high impedance inputs and separate send and return ...
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Intellijel Designs Pedal I / O Jacks 1U
¥3,900 (税抜 ¥3,545)Pedal I/O 1Uに接続できる入出力ジャック1UモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES In the old type 4U case of Intellijel which is not Palette typePeda I / O 1UIt is a module of 1/4 inch jack part required when using.
Intellijel Designs Phones 1U
¥12,900 (税抜 ¥11,727)1Uヘッドホン出力Intellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format smade by Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Install it in intellijel 4U, 7U case, etc. Fo...
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Intellijel Designs Power Entry 1U (2.1mm, for TPS30W)
Out of StockTPS30W用電源エントリーモジュール 1UMUSICAL FEATURES Intellijel bus boardTPS30W1U module with switch to draw power from AC adapter
Intellijel designs power entry 1 u (2.5mm, for tps80w)
Out of Stock1UのTPS80W用電源エントリーモジュールMusic features Intellijel bus boardTps80w1U module for pulling power from AC adapter.
Intellijel Designs Quadratt 1U
¥14,900 (税抜 ¥13,545)オフセット出力やミックス機能もついたアッテネータ・アッテインバータ。1UサイズMUSICAL FEATURES This is a 4CH utility module that can be used as an attenuator, offset voltage output, and mixer. Each channel is - When the inpu...
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Intellijel Designs Ringmod 1U
¥14,900 (税抜 ¥13,545)リニアVCAとしても使用可能。DCカップリング、1UフォーマットのリングモジュレーターMUSICAL FEATURES 1Uフォーマットのリングモジュレーターです。入力された2つのソース波形XとYから、それらの周波数の和と差を含む3つ目の波形を生成します。リングモジュレーションをオーディオレートで使用して、不調和で金属的なサウンドを作成することも、LFOレートで使用して、複雑...
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Intellijel Designs Steppy 1U
¥35,900 (税抜 ¥32,636)4CH、64ステップの本格的な1UゲートシーケンサーモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES Steppy 1 U is a gate sequencer module of 4 trucks. It is equipped with eight memory slots, same period with the outside clock and ...
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Intellijel Designs Stereo Line In 1U
¥12,900 (税抜 ¥11,727)1Uサイズのステレオ・ラインレベル入力システムIntellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format smade by Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Install it in intellijel 4U, 7U case, etc. Fo...
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Intellijel Designs Stereo Line In Jacks 1U
¥3,900 (税抜 ¥3,545)オフセット出力やミックス機能もついたアッテネータ・アッテインバータ。1UサイズIntellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format smade by Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Install it in intellijel 4U, 7U case, etc. Fo...
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Intellijel Designs Stereo Line Out 1U
¥12,900 (税抜 ¥11,727)モジュラーをステレオでラインレベル出力する為のインターフェースモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES A dedicated module for outputting modular audio signals for mixers and audio interfaces. Stereo input / output. Also, if you patch...
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Intellijel Designs Stereo Line Out Jacks 1U
¥3,900 (税抜 ¥3,545)旧タイプのIntellijelケースでStereo Line Out 1Uを使用する為に必要なジャック部分モジュールMUSICAL FEATURES In the case of the first generation Performance case or Intellijel case that is not a 4U pallet typeStereo Line Out 1UThis is a 1...
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Intellijel Designs Digiverb 1U
¥12,900 (税抜 ¥11,727)連結可能でコンパクトな1UステレオミキサーThe 1 U module of Intellijel is not compatible with the 1 U "TILE" format made in Synthrotek and Pulp Logic. I install it in 4 U of Intellijel, a 7...
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Intellijel Designs Buff Mult 1U
¥7,900 (税抜 ¥7,182)スイッチングで送信バスを指定。拡張可能な1Uフォーマットのパッシヴ・マルチプルIntellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format smade by Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Install it in intellijel 4U, 7U case, etc. Fo...
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Intellijel Designs uMIDI 1U
¥22,900 (税抜 ¥20,818)uMIDIの1UバージョンMUSICAL FEATURES uMIDI is a MIDI-to-analog signal conversion module that provides the functions necessary to synchronize and control modular device...
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Intellijel Designs USB Extender 1U/3U
¥7,900 (税抜 ¥7,182)モジュール背面のマイクロUSBコネクターを拡張。フロントパネルからのアクセスを可能にするユーティリティMUSICAL FEATURES USB Extenderは、モジュール背面にあるマイクロUSBコネクターを拡張し、ケースのフロントパネルに配置することでUSBホストへの接続を容易にします。元はMetropolix 1.4 MIDIアップデートのために設計されたユーティリティですが、背面に...
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