2hp 3-1 (Silver)
¥14,900 (税抜 ¥13,545)ユニークなゲート用3:1スイッチ。ゲートミキサーにもなりますMUSICAL FEATURES 3:1 (3 to 1) is a voltage controllable gate switch/mixer module.If the input signal is greater than 2.5V and gate HIGH, less than...
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2hp ADSR (Silver)
¥18,900 (税抜 ¥17,182)わずか2HPのADSRエンベロープMUSICAL FEATURES 2HP linear ADSR envelope. The time range of A, D, R can be switched with a switch, 5ms-30s for "SLOW" and 0.54ms-5s for "FAST". E...
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2hp Arp (Silver)
¥18,900 (税抜 ¥17,182)2HPのアルペジエイターMUSICAL FEATURES Arp is an arpeggiator that advances with a clock to the Trig input. Since the route and chord type can be controlled by CV, it ...
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2hp AVert (Silver)
¥14,900 (税抜 ¥13,545)2HPのアッテヌバータMUSICAL FEATURES 2HP Dual Attenuverter. The right half of the knob attenuates the input signal as it is, and the left half inverts and attenuates ...
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2hp Bell (Silver)
¥25,900 (税抜 ¥23,545)6ポリ可能なベル系のメロディック・パーカッションモジュール!MUSICAL FEATURES Bell is a 2HP, 6-voice polyphonic synthesizer module specializing in bell-based sound using modal synthesis. By synth-sizing the ...
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2hp Brst (Silver)
¥14,900 (税抜 ¥13,545)連打数とスピードがコントロール可能なバーストジェネレーターMUSICAL FEATURES Brst is a burst generator that allows you to output a series of gates from a single trigger/gate signal. When TRIG receives more...
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2hp Buff (Silver)
¥13,900 (税抜 ¥12,636)スタンダードなバファードマルチプルMUSICAL FEATURES It is a buffered multiple. Since the 1CH signal is internally connected to the 2CH signal input, it also functions as a multiple ...
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2hp Clk (Silver)
¥15,900 (税抜 ¥14,455)一時停止やスピードの電圧コントロールも可能なクロックジェネレーターMUSICAL FEATURES CLK is a compact clock generator with controls suitable for a master clock. The range of the clock speed can be switched with t...
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2hp Comb (Silver)
¥20,900 (税抜 ¥19,000)電圧コントロール可能なコムフィルターMUSICAL FEATURES Comb is a comb filter that can control the cutoff, resonance, and feedback damping. Passes a very short short delay and superimpo...
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2hp Comp
¥22,900 (税抜 ¥20,818)サイドチェイン機能も備えた2hpのコンプレッサーMUSICAL FEATURES 2hp Compは、サイドチェイン機能を搭載した省スペース設計のユーロラック用コンプレッサーです。オーディオ信号の圧縮とダッキングを可能にし、よりパンチの効いたサウンドを提供します。 筐体はコンパクトですが、コンプレッサーの基本的パラメーターコントロールを実装...
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2hp DC (Silver)
¥16,900 (税抜 ¥15,364)異なるレンジのオフセット電圧を3系統出力できるユーティリティMUSICAL FEATURES This utility can output three sets of offset voltages of different ranges. This is useful when you want to manually control only t...
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2hp Delay (Silver)
¥21,900 (税抜 ¥19,909)わずか2HPのディレイモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES Delay module with mix, feedback, and delay time controlled by knob and CV
2hp Delay (Silver)
¥15,900 (税抜 ¥14,455)わずか2HPのディレイモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES Delay module with mix, feedback, and delay time controlled by knob and CV
2hp Div (Silver)
¥18,900 (税抜 ¥17,182)電圧コントロールも可能な2CHクロックディバイダー・マルチプライヤー!MUSICAL FEATURES It is clock dividers multi-pliers of 2 channels. Number of partitions, the multiple can control even the voltage. ) giving Kroc ...
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2hp EG (Silver)
¥18,900 (税抜 ¥17,182)アタック・ディケイが電圧コントロール可能なエンベロープジェネレーターMUSICAL FEATURES The EG is an envelope generator that packs a wealth of functions into a compact 2HP aircraft. It has an attack and decay stage, e...
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2hp Euclid (Silver)
¥18,900 (税抜 ¥17,182)2HPのスタンダードなユークリッドシーケンサーMUSICAL FEATURES Euclid is a 16-step Euclid sequencer with CV control. In the Euclidean sequencer, the pattern is determined by setting the lo...
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2hp Grain (Silver)
¥25,900 (税抜 ¥23,545)わずか2HPのグラニュラープロセッサーMUSICAL FEATURES Grain is a granular processor with only 2HP. Equipped with Density, Dry / Wet Mix, and pitch controls, all of which are voltage ...
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2hp Hat (Silver)
¥23,900 (税抜 ¥21,727)2HPのハイハットモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES This is a 2hp high hat module.There are three types of sound sources: one with six orators, noises, and a lot of filters, and a c...
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2hp Kick (Silver)
¥23,900 (税抜 ¥21,727)2HPのキックモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES 2HP kick module. Decay, pitch and tone can be controlled with knobs and voltage. The pitch tracks at 1V / Oct.
¥17,900 (税抜 ¥16,273)波形のモーフィングも可能な2HPのLFOMusic features LFO V2 is a voltage controlled LFO with waveform and speed control. The main output that outputs the sine wave, the triangular wave...
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2hp (Silver)
¥14,900 (税抜 ¥13,545)2HPでANDとORを備えたゲート用デジタルロジックモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES is the logic module that acts on the gate.You can have AND and OR logic operations. AND prints HIGH only when both input gates...
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2hp Loop
¥25,900 (税抜 ¥23,545)5分の録音バッファ、4つの録音モード搭載のハイファイ・オーディオルーパーMUSICAL FEATURES Loopは、4つのユニークな録音モードと直感的なインターフェイスを備えるハイファイ仕様のオーディオルーパー・モジュールです。最大で5分のオーディオをキャプチャ可能、1/2の速度で再生することも出来ます。各レコーディングでは、Sound on Sound, Du...
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2hp LPF (Silver)
¥17,900 (税抜 ¥16,273)4ポールのローパスフィルターMUSICAL FEATURES This is a 4-pole low-pass filter. Cutoff and resonance are CV controllable
2hp MIDI (Silver)
¥19,900 (税抜 ¥18,091)2HPのMIDI→CV/GateコンバーターモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES 2HP USB MIDI to CV / Gate conversion module. Connect with USB Mini-B and operate as USB device. By changing the mode, it operates...
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2hp MIDI (Silver)
Out of Stock2HPのMIDI→CV/GateコンバーターモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES 2HP USB MIDI to CV / Gate conversion module. Connect with USB Mini-B and operate as USB device. By changing the mode, it operates...
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2hp Mix (Silver)
¥17,900 (税抜 ¥16,273)4入力の2HPミキサー。CVのミックスも可能です。MUSICAL FEATURES This is a 4 input 2HP mixer. DC coupling allows CV mix High sound quality and very low noise floor
2hp MMF (Silver)
¥20,900 (税抜 ¥19,000)2HPのマルチモードフィルターMUSICAL FEATURES MMF is a multi-mode filter module of 12dB/Oct (2-pol).Raw path, hippath, band path output, cutoff frequency, resonance, and CV ca...
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2hp Mult (Silver)
Original price ¥6,400Current price ¥5,400 (税抜 ¥4,909)パッシブマルチプルMUSICAL FEATURES It is a passive multiple that splits the signal. No power is required because it is the first multiple passive. Although there ar...
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2hp Verb (Black)
¥25,900 (税抜 ¥23,545)フラッター・コントロールを備えるコンパクトなタイムドメイン・ピッチシフターMUSICAL FEATURES 2HP Stereo Reverb
2hp Play
¥25,900 (税抜 ¥23,545)わずか2HPのサンプルプレイヤーMUSICAL FEATURES Playは2HPにして高い解像度を持ったサンプルプレイヤーです。 ファイル再生について ファイル再生は次のような特徴があります 32個までノブやCVで再生サンプルを選択できます 再生モードはワンショット、ルーピング、ゲート再生の3種類が可能です スイッチ...
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2hp Pluck (Silver)
¥25,900 (税抜 ¥23,545)4音ポリまで可能な2HPの物理モデリングシンセモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES Pluck is a 2HP synth voice module with a physical modeling algorithm, specializing in strings-like sounds. In addition, it is a f...
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¥17,400 (税抜 ¥15,818)2HPのランダムCV/ゲートジェネレーターMusic features Rnd V2 is a functional random CV / gate generator. The quant output that outputs a random voltage that varies stepwise at the time ...
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2hp Rout (Silver)
¥14,900 (税抜 ¥13,545)ゲートを4出力に打ち分けられるスイッチモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES Rout is a 1:4 gate switch module that outputs the input gate from one of the four jacks. The selection of the output jack can be ...
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2hp S+H (Silver)
¥15,900 (税抜 ¥14,455)わずか2HPのデュアルサンプル&ホールド!MUSICAL FEATURES There are only 2 channels samples & hold at 2HP.
2hp Seq (Silver)
¥21,900 (税抜 ¥19,909)クォンタイズ機能もついた2HPのCVシーケンサーMUSICAL FEATURES Seq is a 16-step CV sequencer. You can control portamento, sequence length, and sequence mode. Provides an easy-to-understand i...
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2hp Sine (Silver)
¥25,900 (税抜 ¥23,545)サブオシレーターとウェーブフォルダーのついたサイン波オシレーターMUSICAL FEATURES 2HP Sine is a digital oscillator that can output two waveforms simultaneously based on sine waves. The starting point of the sign...
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