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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

2hp Arp (Silver)

¥18,900 (税抜 ¥17,182)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 2HP
Depth: 46mm
Current: 40mA@+12V, 7mA@-12V
Manual pdf (English)

Color: Silver


Arp is an arpeggiator that advances with a clock to the Trig input. Since the route and chord type can be controlled by CV, it is possible to create arpeggios etc. corresponding to various chord progressions.

how to use

 Arp outputs a pitch CV corresponding to the arpeggio that changes the scale corresponding to Chord on Root every time the gate enters Trig. Root and Chord can be specified by knob or CV (0-5V). The following codes can be selected as codes.

 Correspondence of LED combination and code. Blinking means blinking.

 MODE switches between the arpeggio note selection order and the octave range.
  • Rise within one octave
  • Rise within two octaves
  • Descend within an octave
  • Descend within two octaves
  • Round trip within one octave
  • Round trip within 2 octaves
  • Random within one octave
  • Random within 2 octaves
 Choose from eight types.