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Intellijel Designs Tete

¥56,900 (税抜 ¥51,727)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 8HP
Depth: 39mm
Current: 120mA@+12V, 6mA@-12V



Tete is an expander module that captures and stores tetrapad movements and allows you to loop and sequence. You can make use of the clock synchronization and modulation function to apply various changes.

On tetrapad with Tete, Tete becomes the master module, tetrapad becomes its control service, and behaves differently than when it is a single. There are three modes that work with one of them:
  • Voltages Mode: A mode of selecting a combination of eight output voltages from on a grid on a tetrapad of up to 16. You can also record which grid you want to select and loop through its movements later. You can also control the X/Y coordinates of the grid and perform cartesian sequences by assigning Tete's CV input. You can also smooth the change through the output CV through.
  • Notes Mode: A mode that allows you to create sequences and loops using code, scale, and keyboard. The grid can be divided into 4/12/16 scales, allowing you to control loops, transpose, chord rotations, etc. with your CV to change in real time. In sequencer mode, each step can be set as a tie, rest, or a gate of 25/50/75% length. With this feature, you can create musical code sequences very quickly and intuitively.
  • Combo Mode: Each of the eight outputs can be assigned to individual faders (unipolar/bipolar), crossfader, euclidean sequencer, toggle switch, Or LFO, and all movements are continuously recorded and looped (not on the steps).
Other features include:
  • Step Recording allows you to record tetrapad performance up to 256 steps
  • Continuously record tetrapad performance in real time. The time is limited only by the size of the microSD, but tete's interface allows you to comfortably control the recording time of about 5 minutes.
  • Smart over-dub yesterday to detect touch and start recording
  • Transport controls for working with other modules
  • Three CV outputs can be assigned by the user. For example, if you assign an A CV output to a position, a voltage indicating the position in a loop or sequence is output, which is useful for working with Planar2 and others.
  • Three CV inputs with attenuberta can be assigned by the user to the modulation destination. You can also assign two gate/trigger inputs and clock inputs.
  • Both the internal clock and the external clock work, and both can be clock editide and multiplexed in both cases.
  • The screen makes it easy to see the internal state
  • The pad can be split 2,3,4, allowing you to select up to 16 voltage banks (Voltage mode) and up to 16 scales (Note mode).
  • 99 presets are available for each mode, with all parameters, modes and CV assignments recorded
  • The last state is called automatically when the power is turned on. Please note that the state is not automatically saved only while the looper and sequencer are running.

Firmware Update

The steps for updating the firmware are as follows:
  1. Turn off the module
  2. Connect the USB cable to the computer from the back of the module.
  3. IntellijelPageOpen the updater downloaded from and select the module and version from the drop down.
  4. SETUP and REC (•)Press and hold the button to power the module back on.
  5. At the bottom of the updaterUpdateThe progress bar begins when you press the button, and when the message "Update completed successfully" appears at the end, the update is terminated.
  6. Reboot the modular will work with the new firmware
