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Intellijel Designs Scales

¥54,900 (税抜 ¥49,909)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 8HP
Depth: 39mm
Current: 35mA@ +12V, 5mA @ -12V




Scales is quantizer / sequencer module of the dual channel.


It is a basic function that I revise input CV in pace CV of the closest musical scale in the scale that I appointed, and output. As well as the utility-like use that クオンタイズ performs of a sequencer without the quantizer, I can bring about the pace sequence such as the arpeggio from LFO.

Scales has Trigger input and is done クォンタイズ newly only when trigger is input by patching it here, and the voltage done クォンタイズ at time except it is performed hold of. (sample & hold)


There is two output in Scales and adds normal クォンタイズ to done pace output A, and there is another output B to make harmony in a fixed scale. I come by modulation with quantity of pace shift by Shift input. Though I make the CV control of the scale, the change of the route, two independent quantizers (the scale is common separate the input voltage), the Shift input uses it other than it.


Scales has the step sequencer (35 pattern memory) to devote itself to by 128 steps, SH101 method. When I use this function, I can use OUT A as a normal quantizer, and OUT B becomes the sequencer.




The first basic function of Scales,PitchI do クォンタイズ to the voltage corresponding to the scale that appointed CV to input,Out Aから is to output it, and this changes with no mode. The range of the input voltage is -10V - 10V.TRIGクォンタイズ rises only at the moment when a gate came to TRIG when patched by input, and hold just does the voltage done クォンタイズ at the time except itSample & hold). When it is not patched to TRIG, クォンタイズ gets up at the moment when the voltage that クォンタイズ of the input voltage is close in the first to be considered to be it changed. If even if input the voltage that does not get of the same period including LFO into PITCH IN when control the interval of the normal synthesizer patch, patch a gate same as an envelope moving VCA in TRIG; the change of the interval with the start of the envelopeThe same periodI can let you do it.

As for OUT B and the TRIG output, the function of SHIFT input, setting / change is possible from CONFIG mode. By setting OUT B
  • The output which increased an interval for Shift input for Out A
  • Perform クォンタイズ of input to quantizer (Shift of the independent second; and from OUT B output)
  • The CV output of the sequencer to devote itself to with a style such as SH 101
のどれかとして works.

Scales is a default; "Scale Display ModeAs for 12 musical scale buttons which are ", an effective musical scale is green, and red, a musical scale of OUT B are yellow, and a musical scale chosen in OUT A is displayed. I push one of six lower buttons and enter other modes. The details of each mode are as follows.


With the LEARN mode, I validate a musical scale input into PITCH IN. I patch the gates such as sequencers in TRIG. The effective musical scale is the same now, and the musical scale corresponding to the moment when a signal input into PITCH IN caught the gate in TRIG becomes effective when I push one time of LEARN button. LEARN begins after a current musical scale was cleared when I enter the Learn mode by a push and hold with LEARN button.


When I push the CONFIG button and enter the CONFIG mode, I choose various items with 12 musical scale buttons and can set it. The item is printed on a panel and becomes the setting of DUAL/SEQ from SHIFT MODE:PRE.
  • SHIFT MODE:PRE: It is setting of the Shift output. クォンタイズ is a done mode to a scale after Shift input is added to PITCH input.
  • SHIFT MODE:DIATONIC: It is setting of the Shift output. PITCH input leave クォンタイズ to a scale and SHIFT input is added more and is output, but quantity of shift is appointed by the number of the effective musical scale in the scale not a semitone. For example, if it is D#(3 semitone), this 3 is interpreted as three musical scale shares in a scale not a semitone SHIFT, and it is shifted for three musical scales effectively by クォンタイズ result of PITCH.
  • SHIFT MODE:POST: It is setting of Shift. PITCH input adjusts it to a scale, and leave, and クォンタイズ is a mode added for Shift input afterwards. The added musical scale is output regardless of the scale that I set to become one of 12 musical scales
  • SHIFT MODE: OUT A/B: I select which output you make the Shift output. The output which did not validate Shift becomes the output which クォンタイズ made PITCH input simply.
  • SHIFT MODE: ROOT: Hold it for Shift input and change the route to the scale which I moved.
  • SHIFT MODE: SCALE: Choice / controls a scale by SHIFT input. I change seven scales to pre-set in a bank choosing by the SHIFT voltage now
  • A->TRIG/B->TRIG: Trigger is output by TRIG when I shall remain in effect whenever pace of OUT A is changed. B->TRIG is similar, too. In addition, A->TRIG is to push and hold it for a few secondsTrigger D lei of the TRIG inputI come by を setting. The sequencer is effective to have possibilities to be delicately in comparison with the gate output behind with CV change when I want to move only some timings of the pace change.
  • OUT B: CHROM: I shift to a chromatic scale as much as I set OUT B in INTERVAL
  • OUT B: DIATONIC: I shift to a diagram tonic to be able to hold it as much as I set OUT B in INTERVAL. Like SHIFT MODE:DIATONIC, it is shifted not a semitone unit only for several minutes of an effective musical scale.
  • DUAL: When this button turns on, it is DUAL mode. Leave クォンタイズ on the scale that input to SHIFT appointed, and it is output by OUT B.
  • SEQ: I begin blinking when I push the button once again from DUAL. OUT B becomes the sequencer mode then. As for the sequence, 5 bank x7 can memorize 35 patterns of pre-seting it, and each pattern is up to 256 steps. Each step is comprised of notebook, rest or one Thai and drives by 1 step by a method of SH-101.


I change the route of the scale. All the effective musical scales shift as much as they changed it.


I set an interval of OUT B. I depend which way of OUT B:CHROM/DIATONIC of the CONFIG mode you choose how setting is reflected.

In addition, when I push and hold INTRVL button for a few seconds for one second,Tuning modeIt is with に and outputs 0V from both OUT A/B


I store the scale that I set. I enter the SAVE mode and it is the button corresponding to the black key and I choose a slot with a white key button and I push the SAVE button once again and store a bank. Even if the scale which I stored drops a power supply, I stay. I become extinct when I drop a power supply when I do not save it.


I call the scale that I set. I enter the LOAD mode and it is the button corresponding to the black key and I choose a slot with a white key button and I push the LOAD button once again and call a bank.

Firmware Update

The procedures of the firmware update are as follows.
  1. I drop the power supply of the module
  2. I connect a USB cable to a computer from the module back.
  3. IntellijelのPageI open up the updater that downloaded から, and a choice does a module and a version from a drop-down.
  4. I spend the power supply of the module again while pushing the LOAD button
  5. The retainer of the updater has itUpdateA progress bar begins when I push the button and is the update end if a message called "Update completed successfully" is displayed last
  6. I work in new firmware if I reboot a modular