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Instruo Harmonaig

¥69,900 (税抜 ¥63,545)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 18HP
Current:120mA@ +12V, 20mA @ -12V

Manual pdf(English)
Quickstart Guide pdf(English)

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 Harmonaig is a quantizer that outputs chord-related pitch CVs. When one CV signal is input, pitch CV corresponding to Root, 3rd, 5th and 7th is output.Automatic code selection functionIf is set to ON, the chord is selected so that the output pitch CV does not deviate from the specified mode (selectable from Ionian series / Harmonic Minor series mode), creating harmony. Of course, it is also possible to get a pitch out of the mode. Chord progression is as easy to program as a single bass sequence. See the Details section for details on how to specify routes and codes

 Other features of Harmonaig include:
  • Quantize CV input range from -10V to 10V with Athenuvata
  • The output pitch CV range is -10 to 10V, and all four can be glide with analog through control individually.
  • Gate output that can be used in both performance mode and quantize mode
  • Side-by-side keyboard buttons for easy operation
  • Inversion and voicing to shift the scale in the chord by an octave can also be controlled with the knob and CV
  • The following codes can be selected with the knob or CV
    • -∆7 (minor major 7)
    • O (diminished 7)
    • Ø (minor 7♭5)
    • -7 (minor 7)
    • 7 (dominant 7)
    • ∆7 (major 7)
    • + ∆7 (augmented major 7)
    • +7 (augmented 7)
    • Four user-defined codes (1, 2, 3, 4). To set the selected chord, double-tap the Diatonic button while holding down the Transpose button.
    • Double-tap C while holding down the Transpose and Diatonic buttons to enter Unison mode, where all four pitches become roots. Can be used to tune the oscillator
 * The "mode" of the quantizer mode / performance mode / unison mode means the operation mode, not the harmony mode.

User Interface

 Function of each part is displayed by mouse over

Button combo / long press operation list

  • Tap the Diatonic button while holding down the Transpose button: Switch between quantizer mode and performance mode
  • Press and hold the Transpose button: Select the mode that automatic code selection follows
  • Double tap the C button while holding down the Transpose and Diatonic buttons: Enter Unison mode and make all pitch CVs the same. Useful for tuning. Tap C again to return
  • Double tap C while holding down the Transpose button: clears all settings made by the Transpose slider
  • Select a custom chord, hold down Transpose and double-tap Diatonic: Program the custom chord. Hold down the Transpose button until the code is determined


 In Harmonaig, there is a difference in how to specify the scale of the root and the scale to be stacked on it. The method of specifying the scale of the route changes depending on the quantizer mode / performance mode.QuantizerIn the mode, the entered CV is quantized to the nearest scale within the set scale (the glowing button), and it is regarded as the lowest root of the chord and glows white. Set the scale that the route can take with the button. Press the Diatonic button while holding down the Transpose button to change the button function from the quantize functionperformanceSwitch to mode. With the performance function, you can specify the root note directly with the button instead of setting the possible scale of the root with the keyboard button. The gate output outputs the gate only while the button is pressed.

 The scales that are stacked on the root, if you use automatic chord selection,Automatically compose chords in the scale on the specified mode.At this time, the mode that the chord components follow will greatly affect the harmony atmosphere.modeChanging is as simple as:

 Press and hold the Transpose button. The buttons corresponding to the white keys glow, but the buttons correspond to Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian modes, respectively. By tapping the Diatonic button when selecting, you can also use the harmonic minor mode. For example, if you select Dorian and do not transpose, the chord component that is automatically selected will be C Dorian, that is, C, D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb. If the route is C, the code of C / Eb / G / Bb (C-7) is selected, and if the route is Eb, the code of Eb / G / Bb / D (EbΔ7) is selected. If you want this to be D-Dorian, make the Trasnpose button light orange and use the slider to raise the mode root two semitones. If the root note is out of the mode, it will be processed by Harmonaig's own settings.

 If you are performing automatic chord selection, the chord selection knob will be disabled. To select and control the chords freely with the knob or CV, press the DIATONIC button and glow orange. At this time, the chord on the route can be freely controlled with knobs and CVs. If you move only the root without moving the code, it will be a translation code

 For the chords determined as above, you can further shift each constituent sound by octave by using controls such as Inversion and Voicing.

