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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Intellijel Designs Planar 2

¥63,900 (税抜 ¥58,091)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 14HP
Depth: 40mm
Current: 85mA@ +12V, 32mA @ -12V


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Planar 2 is CV/ audio mixer of the many input and output that made the most of a characteristic of the joy-stick, パンナー. By unique operability of the joy-stick, I can perform a delicate and large number of control at the same time.

There are four to A - D in the input, and these are mixed with balance controlled with joy-stick, and it is output by MIX OUT. By this function with joy-stickIt is mixture cross fading with four signalsI can do it. In addition, a signal made individual アッテネート is output by output of A - D. The same signal of different アッテネート quantity can extract it from output A - D if I patch input only in A because it is connected the inside as for the input to the next input. ThereforeStereo / クアッドパンナーとしても use is possible. Because it is connected the inside, I can use 10V for input as quad controller (ABCD OUT) when I patch nothing. XY OUT always functions as simple X/Y controller regardless of input. Audio system, both CV can input each input.

In Planar 2 movement of the joy-stickRecordI was able to do it. Of the movement that is relatively slow in one-shot reproduction and a loop being possible as for the movement that they recordedEnvelopeLFOとしても use is possible. When I revitalize the movement that I recorded, the movement of the real joy-stick is not reflected. Because overwrite by the punch in is possible; a positionJumpI can make the movement to do. I appoint it with a button in the timing of a start and the stop of a record and the reproduction, but trigger input can synchronize.

In addition, movement of the joy-stick became more fluent with 2. It is the controller that a slow delicate change is most suitable for necessary アンビエント.


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Firmware Update

The procedures of the firmware update are as follows.

  1. I drop the power supply of the module
  2. I connect a USB cable to a computer from the module back.
  3. IntellijelのPageI open up the updater that downloaded から, and a choice does a module and a version from a drop-down.
  4. ABCD buttonIn spite of being push, I spend the power supply of the module again
  5. The retainer of the updater has itUpdateA progress bar begins when I push the button and is the update end if a message called "Update completed successfully" is displayed last
  6. I work in new firmware if I reboot a modular