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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Rossum Electro-Music Control Forge

¥105,900 (税抜 ¥96,273)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 22HP
Depth: 25mm
Current: 125mA@+12V, 25mA@-12V
Quick Start Guide (English)
Manual (English)



Control Forge makes it easy to edit the function generator which was put on E-mu Morpheus and is the powerful control voltage generator of 8 segments which I optimized for a modular synthesizer. I can bring until the envelope of the one-shot and a pattern to circulate, a sequence complicated for a long time.
  • Time to be about to arrive at basic voltage reading (level) and the levelThe function generator which is setable together with eight segmentsとして works
  • The selection parameter chooses it with a button and is simple operation to set a value with an encoder and a knob. All the button operation is only one time of push, and there is no need of the menu choice (except preservation to pre-set)
  • I can set the level of each segment at the relative increase and decrease for the level at the time of the end of the segment in front or absolute value
  • The level of each segment obeys linear shape or Gaussian distributionRandomI can give you さを
  • As for the time scale, adjustment by the manual control with CV and the encoder is possible
  • The voltage curve for intersegmental shifts67 different formI can choose から. There is the form that I cannot say with random and カオティック and a word from common linear (Linear), index type (Exponential) (e.g., I just output input CV only at the age of a specific segment)
  • In choosing "DC" as curve form of the shift the program ability of Control Forge justSequencerI can use として. I make the sequence of several hundred steps by using it together with a sequencer to pre-set and can control it in real time
  • To the segment which is different as for each segmentCondition to jumpをつけることなども is possible. For example, I can add a richer variation to a function by outside control only when a certain CV input is more than a constant value by flying to a specific segment
  • Control ForgeにはAutomatic chainThere is a function, and a pattern using plural, pre-seting it becomes simple (the function that is different from the sequencer to pre-set)
  • I can program two trigger output to output trigger by various events, and Control Forge oneself and other modules can patch it.
  • Of 500 a summons, preservation is possible in pre-seting it
  • Sequencer to pre-setI can perform a sequence of a user set, pre-seting it with trigger and a clock or a manual to 200 when similar.
  • All pre-seting it and sequencesSatelliteI can send it to the module (sale date undecided) freely and can move Satellite as a stand-alone modulation source independently afterwards with Control Forge
Please refer to following "How to Use" for the detailed usage.


How to Use

Control Forgeは、Play modeProgram modeI can operate it with the mode of という two, and the mode changes it with MODE button of the lower right. As for the subscript of each button, the function in the play mode, a lindera explain the function in the program mode a blue letter.

Play mode

With the play mode, I can use a knob and the button for the real-time control of the function. I come by manual control by a button by the change of the scale, various trigger events at orchid lump is and the time of the level.

Utility menu
A utility menu is the menu which a function necessary for maintenance of Control Forge was packed with. I push and hold Global/Pause/Utilities button for a few seconds in a play mode and access it.
  • Send to Module: All; pre-set it, and transmit a sequence to Satellite and other Control Forge. The methods of the transmission are as follows
    • Please patch Trigger 2 of the module of the origin of transmission for the Logic input of the module of the reception
    • Using a utility menu, the reception, please choose Receive From Module the transmission formerly in Send to Module.
    • Please push the encoder of transmission former Control Forge. A display shows progress
    • Because error message is displayed when I fail, I push the encoder and try it again or push the Global/Pause/Utilities button, and, please get away from the mode.
  • Receive from Module: When I receive sequence data to pre-set it from other Control Forge modules, and to pre-set, I select. Please refer to the above for the process of the data transmission
  • Save User Data: I output sequence data to pre-set it, and to pre-set as backup. The ways are as follows
    • Please connect the output of Control Forge to machine parts for recording. Not MP3, please record it by Wav data having high resolution
    • I choose Save User Data among a utility menu
    • Control Forge outputs a sound for tests when I choose it. Please set machine parts for recording so that this level becomes -6dBFS
    • I start recording
    • I push the encoder and start the reproduction of the data sound
    • If transfer is over, I finish recording, and, please store the wav file which you recorded as backup
  • Verify User Data: The backup file that I made at the top checks right data. I do not really load is in backup file, pre-seting it in Control Forge
    • I patch the output from the reproduction apparatus of the wav file which I backed up in CV1 of Control Forge.
    • I choose Verify User Data and push the encoder.
    • I start the reproduction of the wav file
    • When an error happens, it is displayed by a screen
    • When an error is not found, the wav file is effective as backup
  • Merge User Data: I write in a sequence to pre-set it, and to pre-set in wav file at only the slot of an empty sequence to pre-set it, and to pre-set in Control Forge. It is the same as upper Verify User Data, and the transfer method pours wav file into CV1 input except that I choose Merge User Data.
  • Load User Data: I load sequence data to pre-set it, and to pre-set which I saved as Wav file in Control Forge. Because this operation destroys sequence data to pre-set it, and to pre-set in Control Forge, please be careful (take backup earlier, if necessary). It is the same as upper Verify User Data, and the transfer method pours wav file into CV1 input except that I choose Load User Data
  • Calibrate: I calibrate the module. Because it is calibrated definitely, please try the module at the time of factory shipment when クォンタイズ of 1V/oct feels it funnily (the testers which can measure the voltage definitely are necessary). If there is an unidentified point, please inquire for a method to our store
  • Load Software: I use it for update of the main software of Control Forge. I perform the process in form to pour wav file of the main software into CV1 input like upper Verify User Data
  • Load Boot Software: I use it for update of the software for start of Control Forge. The way is similar to update of the main software
  • Manufacturing Test: I give a test to confirm whether Control Forge works definitely
  • Erase All User Data: I remove pre-seting it and the data of the sequence to pre-set of all. Please confirm yes or no of the backup before practice by all means.

Program mode

With the program mode, every segment can edit each function finely. I push the button of the segment which I want to edit and choose a segment. I can set segment sojourn time and the target level that are the main parameter with an independent knob (when I set it with these two knobs, I can use the encoder as a fine tune knob of the parameter). Other parameters push the button and choose it and set a value by a turn and the push of the encoder, and it operates basics to be decided.

Setting to jump to a remote segment when the parameter to edit meets a certain condition not to mention the shape of the voltage curve every segment or the assignment of two trigger output are possible. I can use CV3, CV4 to control with a knob in addition to CV1, CV2 for the jump with the condition subject to logic input again.

Setting of the jump with the condition
The jump with the condition is one of the strongest functions of Control Forge. I can in this way program a function to change behavior by the signal from other modules.

By the jump with the condition, every segment can set a condition jumping to other segments. For example, it is bigger than the value that a value of a certain CV input set or is setable in the condition of the jump in the states of the gate of the Logic input again. The jump can appoint is totally different, pre-seting it as well as a segment. The jump is called a target.

After having pushed the JUMP MODE button, I turn and choose an encoder, and I push it, and, as for the condition to jump, it is decided. The condition of the jump has the following thing.
  • Never: I keep jumping to the next segment by all means
  • Always at End: I jump in a target by all means in the last of the segment. It becomes LFO which assumes the segment which set 1 - Always at End a cycle when I set a target to segment 1.
  • on Gate Rise(Fall): When a gate is contained in Gate/Trig input (when over), I jump in a target immediately
  • wait4GateRise: I jump in a target as soon as a gate is contained in Gate/Trig input. A function stops until a gate is input when assigned to the last of the segment without a gate being input while keeping the level of the segment
  • if@end GateHi(Lo): When Gate/Trig input is high (low), I jump in a target in the last of the segment
  • on Rogic Rise~if@end LogicLo: It is the same as the condition mentioned above, but Gate/Trig input turns into Logic input
  • when CV#(1-4)> (<): I jump in a target as soon as it is bigger than the value that the voltage to a certain CV input set in CONDITIONAL VALUE (small), and it is
  • if@end CV#(1-4)> (<) : I jump in (small) and the target which are bigger than the value that the voltage to the CV input that is the end of the segment set in CONDITIONAL VALUE
I can choose the target of the jump among next.
  • to Segment#(1-8): I appoint a segment of pre-seting it of the present
  • to Stopped: I stop pre-seting it
  • to Seq (Dec/Inc/Reset): I send DEC/Inc/Reset trigger to the sequencer to pre-set
  • to Preset ###: I jump to I chose, pre-seting it

Setting of the curve shape
The program of the curve shape of an active segment pushes the TRANSITION SHAPE button and accesses it now. It is selectable, and, as for the curve shape, most support various shapes from 67 kinds, and the rough shape of the graph is displayed by a display. The complete list of shapesManualIt is placed in the の end.

Some choices have a special meaning.
  • Delay DCとDC Delay: These show a state of constant voltage reading. DCdelay arrives at the target level after arrival to a segment immediately and keeps it. DelayDC continues keeping the target level of the segment in front in the current segment and changes in a target level in the last of the segment.
  • ZigZag1/2/3: It is a shape making a round trip to two kinds of curves every point
  • CV (1-4) Passthrough: As for the function of the interval to be to the segment, the value of the knob of CV1/2 input or CV3/4 is just output when I choose this. This choice gives unexpected possibility in Control Forge. Is strong at time to operate Control Forge at an audio system rate; is functioned.

Setting of the trigger event
I push the ASSIGN TRIGGERS button to set an event outputting the trigger. I can set it about pulse width and TR2 of the trigger by pushing it repeatedly. The trigger event that I can assign
  • Off: I output no trigger
  • Gate Rise(Fall): A gate (when become )ON(OFF) with input Jack and a manual button, is triggered)
  • Logic Rise(Fall): It is similar to a gate
  • On Stop: When a function stopped, I am triggered
  • Begin(end) Any Segment: I am triggered in (the last) in the beginning of all segments
  • Any Jump: I am triggered at the moment when all jumps happened
  • Begin(End) Segment #: I am triggered in (the last) in the beginning of the specific segment
  • Jump From Segment #: I am triggered when I jump from a specific segment

Global menu to pre-set
The global menu to pre-set is stored every pre-seting it by overall setting to pre-set not to move to the segment. I push the GLOBAL button with a program mode and access it. The setting items are as follows.
  • Gate Rise: It is the setting that what you do for when a gate was contained in Gate/Trig input. When Auto Chain is not ON, I choose it among Off or Start/Reset. When I use a normal envelope as gate input to stand, and to achieve, of course I choose Start/Reset. In addition, a subitem includes an item setting the level at the time of the start such as Start Level/Reset Level/Reset Random Level/Reset Random Shape
  • Gate Fall Jump: I set an action when a gate to Gate/Trig became the low. It is selectable in Off or Segment #(1-8), and the chosen segment copes with a segment of the release to say in normal ADSR
  • Free Run: In the case of ON, I start running without gate input at the same time to choose pre-seting it, and a loop does segment 8
  • Randomize Level: I set a range of the orchid lump is with the play mode
  • Randomize Shape: I set distribution of the orchid lump is with the play mode
  • Scale All Times: I set a scale again at time. When I make the version that started overall timing again, it is convenient (it is the time of each segment was really changed to, pre-seting it when I reflect this setting)

Sequence to pre-set & to pre-set

There are a function to pre-set that is strong in Control Forge and a sequence function to pre-set. Please access the sequence function that preservation and the summons of pre-seting it pre-set from left lower LOAD/SAVE button from LOAD/SAVE/PROGRAM button under the center.

The sequence of pre-seting it accesses it from PROGRAM button and edites it. Push the button, and push the encoder after putting it together for the step that turn an encoder, and wants to set, and want to put it in the step by turning an encoder next; pre-set it, and can choose a navigation command and an action except pre-seting it.

The choice of the navigation
  • Pause: I suspend a sequencer to pre-set
  • Halt: I stop a sequencer to pre-set until I reset it and return to 1 step eye
  • Bumper: It prevents you from coming for the step

The choice of the action
  • Insert Step: I insert a step newly. Pause navigation is put and can change the new step immediately
  • Delete Step: Delete the step and return to the program sequence screen
  • Bumper: Don't come to that step
It comes to.

I will add a comment about the auto chain function.