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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

XAOC Devices Tallin

¥33,900 (税抜 ¥30,818)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 6HP
Depth: 33mm
Current: 50mA@+12V, 50mA@-12V

Manual pdf (English)

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Tallin is a two-channel VCA with the sound quality and functionality of the specialty.

Each channel has a signal input (cVs can also be entered) as well as exp and LINTwo CV inputsI have a. EXP is suitable for envelopes and LIN is suitable for tremolo controls such as LFO, and two CVs can be used at the same time. In this case, it is the same as connecting two VCAs to the serial and controlling them, and two CVs are multiplied and used for gain control. Both two inputs are internally connected to 8V when not patched. The knob acts as an attenuator for CV input, so it acts as a manual control for gain when the input is not patched.

Another feature of Tallin is the sound quality. The parts of the audio path do not use a ready-made chip, but are designed with a fully adjustable discrete circuit to achieve high-quality sound quality.
  • When the switch is in the "LINEAR" position, the knob outputs a clean unity gain (size, etc.) signal in the middle and turns it to the right to obtain distortion due to natural soft clipping. However, since both CV inputs are CV=8V (or unpatched), the reaction varies accordingly, such as cVs or envelopes whose height is not 8V (for example, if a CV greater than 8V is entered, the knob is distorted on the left side).
  • If you put the switch in the "SYMMETRIC" position above, you can get transistor distortion with a lot of third-order overtones.
  • When the switch is in the "ASYMMETRIC" position below, you can get a distortion of texture similar to a vacuum tube with a lot of secondary overtones.

Signals can be boosted to 18dB, so they can also be used to increase line-level signals to the size of the modular level.

