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Tiptop Audio Circadian Rhythms

¥64,900 (税抜 ¥59,000)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 36HP
Depth: 30mm
Current: 160mA@+12V, 0mA@-12V, 0mA@+5V
内部クロックのジッター: 0.05ミリ秒以下
外部クロックとのレイテンシー: 0.05ミリ秒以下

Manual pdf (English)

保証: なし(受取り1週間以内の初期不良のみ対応)
付属品: 電源ケーブル、M3ネジ、元箱

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Circadian Rhythms (CR) is an 8-channel trigger/gate sequencer that allows you to step through a high-quality rhythm in a modular.

Each pattern can be used in real time through a very easy-to-understand interface, such as repeating/ looping,chaining, muting, and filling. With multi-colored glowing buttons and groundbreaking grid views, Circadian Rhythm is a high-performance sequencer that can handle everything from full-fledged rhythm composition to performance.

It is also conscious of being central to modular systems, so it can be synchronized with other sequencers with highly accurate master clocks and reset signals. Tiptop's unique Syncbus sync is also possible.


Cr records eight steps on each track of eight channels, and the set isPresetIt is called.Groupcan store up to eight presets and create up to eight groups. They can be saved together, and the save contents do not disappear even if the power is turned off.

More than 8 steps sequence concatenated presets (Loop), can be further concatenated groups. Because the number of preset steps is fixed to 8 steps, the entire loop is always a multiple of 8 unless you enter a reset signal. For example, looping through six presets out of eight presets is a 48-step sequence. You can create up to 8 preset x8 groups of loops, each preset is 8 steps, so you can program and save up to 8x8x8=512 steps.

Cr pattern structure. A loop loops through presets and groups that are a collection of eight channels.


There are six views for editing steps and loops: vertical/8x8/4x16/2x32/1x64/zoom. The view switches with the buttons in the rightmost column. You can edit between these edit views and build patterns very efficiently.
Vertical views become the main view that allows macro operations, such as muting each channel or building loops, and the display is vertical. In vertical view, groups, presets, and track patterns can all be copied and pasted in the same way. It also supports mute, select editing of each step, and real-time type.
See also the description of each part of the screen for detailed how each button works in vertical view.
NxN views are views for editing the steps for each channel individually. The number of display steps for each channel changes depending on the number of channels displayed. The sequence moves horizontally. The reflection that was done, of course, is reflected in any view.
Zoom view is a view for editing patterns off the grid with finer accuracy than clocks.



By building the loop, cr can create patterns from 8-step presets to up to 512 steps. Preset loops can be played sequentially from eight presets, and group loops can be played sequentially from eight groups with any number of preset loops. On/OFF of preset loops and group loops can be set independently.
How to create a preset loop
  • - Select a vertical view.
  • - Press the "Set Loop" button to make it green.
  • - Press several buttons in the preset column to select the preset you want to include in the loop. Preset buttons turn green when activated and turned off when excluded from the loop. For example, if you choose a preset 1,4,5, the loop will play with preset1→4→5→1....
  • - Press the "Preset Loop On" switch to loop as programmed.
  • - Press the "SET LOOP" button twice to exit the mode to select a loop preset.
How to create a group loop
You can edit a group loop by doing the same thing as a preset column in a group. Press the "Group Loop On" button to enable group loops. The group loop plays the active group from top to bottom, but then plays all the preset loops in each group sequentially (when the preset loop is on).

Edit Tips 1: Pin presets to edit

Of course, real-time editing is possible during the loop, but vertical views are faster to switch and harder to edit because they display the presets and groups that are currently playing. However, the group button, the preset button,Press and hold to fix the preset to be editedand you can middle-time switching.

Edit Tips 2@Gate Programming

CR lasts longer than triggerGate Signaland is treated like a trigger. To drive the gate, press and hold the first and last steps of the gate. To clear the gate, press and hold the first step of the gate. If you press a step in the middle of the gate, the step is erased, and one gate isSplitIs. You can edit the gate in any view.

Edit Tips 3: Channel Step Edit

"Channel Step Editing" is a convenient way to create multiple presets by reducing copy and paste. When you edit a step column while holding down the CHANNEL button,For all presets included in the preset loopThe edit is applied.


A demonstration of the basic usage of Circadian Rhythms. I make the pattern of the kick, the synth, and the maracas with CR. On channel 8, i'm programming maracas accents. We started a preset loop in about three minutes.
