Stages is a modulator that combines 6 stages to produce multiple envelopes, LFOs, and sequencers.It can also include complex 6-stage envelopes, 1 AD envelope, 4 step sequencers, and so on.It is automatically determined which stage is combined by how it is patched to the gate jacks.Also, if you use more than 6 stages, you can use up to 6 Stages
ChainYou can use it as a standalone app or as a standalone app.
Each stage operates in one of the following modes, and the modulation source is constructed by combining them.
Ramp: The transition stage from one voltage to another.The transition time can be controlled by a slider or CV,and the curve shape can be adjusted.Suitable for use as an envelope attack, decay, or LFO part
Hold: Hold stage to set the voltage to a certain level.The voltage level to be set can also be controlled by CV.Mainly used for sustain and hold in the envelope
Step: A stage that reaches the target voltage set with Glide and stays at that voltage until the next trigger is received.The set voltage is controlled by the slider and CV.It can be used for functions such as sequencer, sequential switch, sample&hold, etc
Each segment can be looped.If the last stage of the envelope is included in the loop, it loops all the way(LFO).Otherwise, the gate will loop between ON and you can use it to build the ADSR-like envelope.
Each stage is sufficiently functional even in 1 stage without a combination. The Ramp stage loops to a simple LFO (synchronized to the trigger) and the hold stage delays the CV.The Step stage can be used as a through (.