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Mannequins W /

¥46,900 (税抜 ¥42,636)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 2HP
Depth: 39mm
Current: 59mA@+12V, 13mA@-12V
Manual (English) (マニュアルに加えボタン操作がまとめられたシートが付属します)
最新Firmware (アップデート方法は下記を参照してください)


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 W / is a tape-like audio recorder looper sampler with 8 hours of recording time.

 Recorded audio can be played back at 1x, 2x, half speed, hit cue point for cueing, and can be played back and back while changing speed continuously. Even if the power is turned off, the recorded data and the information of the last playback point are retained. It is also a one-shot sampler that can track pitch of 1V / Oct. Also, when combined with the recording function, you can perform multiple recording and playback like sound-on-sound, and even sound patches like a mysterious tape delay.


 W / has three main modes: Live mode, Nav mode, and Cue mode. There is also a Global mode for some other settings. The operation and operation method of each mode are as follows. (The module comes with a small sheet with all button and switch operations).
Live mode
 If the Play button is pressed once and no modulation is applied, tape playback, reverse playback, and looping are performed at the same magnification. The tape speed can be double speed or half speed. You can also add Cue points, loop between Cue points, record and overdub, etc. If you are not in loop mode, the direction of tape playback will not change, so if you want to listen to what you have recorded, rewind in Nav mode before playing. If you want to play in reverse, press the Play button while pushing the momentary switch down in Nav mode.

 Recording trigger punch-in and punch-out is possible by triggering this jack. Also, the CV to the That jack determines how the original sound remains during recording, and changes from overwrite (-5V) to overdub (0V) to overwrite (5V). When the voltage to That is negative, every overdub also causes a deterioration in sound quality similar to tape.
  • Push the momentary switch down to add a cue point to the playback point
  • Pushing the momentary switch up adds a cue point to the playback point and loops
  • Press the Loop and Record buttons to add a cue point to the playback point and record from there
  • Hold down the Play button and push the momentary switch up to double the playback speed
  • Hold down the Play button and push the momentary switch down to halve the playback speed
  • Pressing the momentary switch while holding down the Loop button moves the playback point to the next cue point
  • Pressing the momentary switch down while pressing the Loop button moves the playback point to the previous cue point
  • Press the Record button for 1 second to enter global mode
  • Switch the loop state by pushing the Loop button
  • Press the Record button to toggle recording on / off
  • Hold down the Record button and push the momentary switch down to toggle the overdub On / Off state
Nav mode
 Press the Play button once in Live mode, and the tape is stationary when no modulation is applied. In this mode, the tape playback speed can be continuously controlled by the voltage of the That input, and reverse playback is performed with a negative voltage. This input can select the loop point by CV at the time of loop.
  • Press the Play button to start playback and go to Live mode
  • If you push the Play button while pushing the momentary switch down, it will transition to Live mode while playing in reverse
  • Press the Record button while holding the Loop button to switch to Cue mode
  • Rewind while pushing the momentary switch down (you will hear the rewind sound)
  • Fast-forward while you push the momentary switch up (you will hear the fast-forward sound)
  • Pressing the momentary switch while holding down the Loop button moves the playback point to the next cue point
  • Pressing the momentary switch down while pressing the Loop button moves the playback point to the previous cue point
  • Press the Record button for 1 second to enter global mode
  • Switch the loop state by pushing the Loop button
  • Press the Record button to toggle recording on / off
  • Hold down the Record button and push the momentary switch down to toggle the overdub On / Off state
Cue mode
 In this mode, audio is played only while the Play button is pressed, and it functions as an audio audition or a one-shot sampler. At this time, This functions as a trigger gate for one-shot playback. One-shot playback is performed until the next cue with a very short trigger, and a longer gate signal is played only while the gate is ON.
  • Press the Loop button to return to Nav mode
  • Hold down Play, push the momentary switch down, release Play to transition to Live mode with audio playing
  • Play sound only while pressing Play button
  • Press the Loop button to return to Nav mode
  • Press the Loop and Record buttons to add a cue point at the current tape playback position
  • Press the Record button to save and delete Cue points
  • Rewind while pushing the momentary switch down (you will hear the rewind sound)
  • Fast-forward while you push the momentary switch up (you will hear the fast-forward sound)
  • Pressing the momentary switch while holding down the Loop button moves the playback point to the next cue point
  • Pressing the momentary switch down while pressing the Loop button moves the playback point to the previous cue point
  • Press the Record button for 1 second to enter global mode
Global mode
  • Push the momentary switch up to exit Global mode
  • Press the Record button to toggle whether to monitor audio input
  • Push the momentary switch down to load a new tape





 W / has three main modes: Live mode, Nav mode, and Cue mode. There is also a Global mode for some other settings. The operation and operation method of each mode are as follows. (The module comes with a small sheet with all button and switch operations).
Live mode
 If the Play button is pressed once and no modulation is applied, tape playback, reverse playback, and looping are performed at the same magnification. The tape speed can be double speed or half speed. You can also add Cue points, loop between Cue points, record and overdub, etc. If you are not in loop mode, the direction of tape playback will not change, so if you want to listen to what you have recorded, rewind in Nav mode before playing. If you want to play in reverse, press the Play button while pushing the momentary switch down in Nav mode.

 Recording trigger punch-in and punch-out is possible by triggering this jack. Also, the CV to the That jack determines how the original sound remains during recording, and changes from overwrite (-5V) to overdub (0V) to overwrite (5V). When the voltage to That is negative, every overdub also causes a deterioration in sound quality similar to tape.
  • Push the momentary switch down to add a cue point to the playback point
  • Pushing the momentary switch up adds a cue point to the playback point and loops
  • Press the Loop and Record buttons to add a cue point to the playback point and record from there
  • Hold down the Play button and push the momentary switch up to double the playback speed
  • Hold down the Play button and push the momentary switch down to halve the playback speed
  • Pressing the momentary switch while holding down the Loop button moves the playback point to the next cue point
  • Pressing the momentary switch down while pressing the Loop button moves the playback point to the previous cue point
  • Press the Record button for 1 second to enter global mode
  • Switch the loop state by pushing the Loop button
  • Press the Record button to toggle recording on / off
  • Hold down the Record button and push the momentary switch down to toggle the overdub On / Off state
Nav mode
Press the Play button once in Live mode, and the tape is stationary when no modulation is applied. In this mode, the tape playback speed can be continuously controlled by the voltage of the That input, and reverse playback is performed with a negative voltage. This input can select the loop point by CV at the time of loop.
  • Press the Play button to start playback and go to Live mode
  • If you push the Play button while pushing the momentary switch down, it will transition to Live mode while playing in reverse
  • Press the Record button while holding the Loop button to switch to Cue mode
  • Rewind while pushing the momentary switch down (you will hear the rewind sound)
  • Fast-forward while you push the momentary switch up (you will hear the fast-forward sound)
  • Pressing the momentary switch while holding down the Loop button moves the playback point to the next cue point
  • Pressing the momentary switch down while pressing the Loop button moves the playback point to the previous cue point
  • Press the Record button for 1 second to enter global mode
  • Switch the loop state by pushing the Loop button
  • Press the Record button to toggle recording on / off
  • Hold down the Record button and push the momentary switch down to toggle the overdub On / Off state
Cue mode
 In this mode, audio is played only while the Play button is pressed, and it functions as an audio audition or a one-shot sampler. At this time, This functions as a trigger gate for one-shot playback. One-shot playback is performed until the next cue with a very short trigger, and a longer gate signal is played only while the gate is ON.
  • Press the Loop button to return to Nav mode
  • Hold down Play, push the momentary switch down, release Play to transition to Live mode with audio playing
  • Play sound only while pressing Play button
  • Press the Loop button to return to Nav mode
  • Press the Loop and Record buttons to add a cue point at the current tape playback position
  • Press the Record button to save and delete Cue points
  • Rewind while pushing the momentary switch down (you will hear the rewind sound)
  • Fast-forward while you push the momentary switch up (you will hear the fast-forward sound)
  • Pressing the momentary switch while holding down the Loop button moves the playback point to the next cue point
  • Pressing the momentary switch down while pressing the Loop button moves the playback point to the previous cue point
  • Press the Record button for 1 second to enter global mode
Global mode
 From Cue mode, press the Record button for 1 second to enter Global mode. The following settings are possible.
  • Push the momentary switch up to exit Global mode
  • Press the Record button to toggle whether to monitor audio input
  • Press the Loop button, then press the button to select the tape and push the momentary switch down to load that tape
  • Press Record while pressing the Loop button to delete all cue points (firmware 1.1 or later)
 If you turn on the power while holding down the switch while pressing Record, the white LED of Play will blink. Press the Play button and press the button corresponding to the tape you want to erase, and all audio and cue points of the selected tape will be deleted
Other function assignment to This / That (firmware 1.2.1 or later)
 In firmware 1.2.1 released on 2018.11.17, in addition to bug fixes, the functions of This and That jack in Live mode were added. In addition to the default function settings (This: punch in / out of recording / That: balance control of overdub), four function pairs have been added, and you can assign This and That to those settings.

 To change the assignment, enter Record Selection mode by holding Record and patching to This or That. The orange LED indicates the function of THIS, and the white LED indicates the function of THAT. The functions are arranged in the following order from the top of the LED. Since the default is the Dub function, the two LEDs of the third Play from the top are lit. The functions of This and That are changed by buttons and switches corresponding to each function. Also, This is a Transport, and That is a Dub function.If you want to split a pair and use it, hold down the button corresponding to this function (top in this example) and press the button corresponding to That function (in the example, Press (3rd from the top).
  • Transport (select with switch up in select mode):  This is the CV input for specifying the playback cue point, and That is the tape speed control CV input. Both are the same as This and That in NAV
  • Signal (select by pressing loop button in select mode):This outputs a CV indicating the current playback position in the cue, and That outputs a trigger when the cue point passes.
  • Dub (select by pressing play button in select mode):This is the default behavior, this is the punch-in / out trigger input for recording, and That is the balance control input for overdub
  • Caption (select by pressing record button in select mode):  This outputs the CV recording input (the CV can be recorded in parallel with the audio) and That the CV recorded (reflects the tape position and status as well as the audio). If you are monitoring, you will hear the CV entered in This added.
  • Sample (selected in selection mode with switch down):  This is a trigger input that immediately moves to the most recently passed cue point, and That is a CV input that controls the tape speed exponentially, and is an easy-to-use speed control for overdubbing harmony and sequencing.


 W / can update firmware by playing audio files. PCs, smartphones and tablets can also be used as playback devices.
  • HereDownload the latest firmware from
  • Turn off the modular synth with W / installed and patch the audio output of the audio player in the firmware to the IN input
  • Set the volume of the playback device to about 3/4. When playing on a smartphone, etc., make sure that all sounds other than firmware, such as notification sounds, are not emitted
  • Turn on the modular synth while holding down the record button. White record LED flashes slowly
  • Start playing the firmware file. If all goes well, the white LED will go up and down, and sometimes the orange LED will glow.
  • W / will restart automatically when finished