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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Intellijel Designs Zeroscope 1U

¥25,900 (税抜 ¥23,545)

Format: 1U(電源はユーロラック3Uと共有)
Width: 16HP
Depth: 26mm
Current: 8mA@12V


Intellijelの1UモジュールはSynthrotekやPulp Logic製の1U "TILE"フォーマットとは互換性がありません。Intellijelの4U、7Uケースなどにインストールしてお使いください。 Intellijel 1Uのサイズ仕様についてはこちらをご覧ください。

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Zeroscope 1U is a utility module with a 2CH oscilloscope and frequency counter function that can visualize audio and CVs. VPME. This is a 1U version of the Zeroscope module by DE. Three display modes are included
  • Scope: Oscilloscope mode that allows simultaneous display of inputs to X and Y
  • X-Y: XY drawing mode that displays inputs to X and Y in two dimensions
  • Tuner: Tuner mode that displays inputs to X and Y at frequency or scale
Because the input is DC coupling, CV can be input. Voltages ranging from -10V to 10V can be input. The input is buffered directly into the output jack. The time range can be set from 10 microseconds to 10 seconds per tick, and the voltage scale range is 0.5V to 10V per tick.

Quick Guide

In basic Scope mode, the encoder is used to set display options. By pressing the encoder, you can display the following three parameters in order, and turn the encoder to set the value.
  • CH 1: Sets the scale of the vertical axis (voltage) of CH1
  • CH 2: Sets the scale of the vertical axis (voltage) of CH2
  • T: Sets the scale of the horizontal axis (time). Only CH1 can be displayed in 10 microseconds. The relationship between time resolution and antialiasing filters also causes waveforms to be inaccurate in the 10-microsecond range
For display modes other than Scope mode, press and hold the encoder for at least one second to set it. Press and hold the encoder to enter advanced setting mode. Highlight the item you want to set from the following items, then press and hold down the encoder to change the settings.
  • SCOPE: Switches the display type from Scope/X-Y/Tuner mode. Tuner mode displays the frequency and scale of the two inputs. The display switching of Hz and scale is done by pushing the encoder in Tuner mode.
  • TRIGGER Source: Toggles the trigger used to reset the display. No trigger, ch1 or 2 signal rise or fall end can be selected from the trigger source
  • TRIGGER Detection Level: Sets trigger threshold for reset
  • CH1 Offset: Shiftch1 waveform display up and down
  • CH2 Offset: Shiftch2 waveform display up and down
  • Grid Display: Toggles the presence or absence of tick marks

Firmware Update

The steps for updating the firmware are as follows:
  1. Turn off the module
  2. Connect the USB cable to the computer from the back of the module.
  3. IntellijelPageOpen the updater downloaded from and select the module and version from the drop down.
  4. Encoderto power the module back on.
  5. At the bottom of the updaterUpdateThe progress bar begins when you press the button, and when the message "Update completed successfully" appears at the end, the update is terminated.
  6. Reboot the modular will work with the new firmware
