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Intellijel Designs Steppy 1U

¥36,900 (税抜 ¥33,545)
Format: 1U(電源はユーロラック3Uと共有)
Width: 28HP
Depth: 29mm
Current: 15mA@+12V, 1mA@-12V

Intellijelの1UモジュールはSynthrotekやPulp Logic製の1U "TILE"フォーマットとは互換性がありません。Intellijelの4U、7Uケースなどにインストールしてお使いください。 Intellijel 1Uのサイズ仕様についてはこちらをご覧ください。




Steppy 1 U is a gate sequencer module of 4 trucks. It is equipped with eight memory slots, same period with the outside clock and various sequence options, and even a performance is designed to show power.
  • I can set Mayor of sequence steppe every truck and can devote myself until up to 64 steps
  • Every truck can set the gate head, and it is possible I connect it from short trigger to the next step, and to start a gate (Thailand)
  • A clock divide is possible every truck.
  • It is setable in swing every truck
  • It is setable with a gate D lei every truck
  • It is setable with gate ON probability every truck
  • I can move a sequence every truck back and forth
  • Every together with a truck and step, it is repeated blows in resolving power more than a steppeラチェッティングI can perform)
  • I drive a pattern by pushing the button with real timeTap recordingも is possible
  • I can create easily Phil-like sequences by choosing some ranges among the whole sequence, and letting you do a loop temporarily
  • The copy and paste between a pattern and pages are possible


Play/Select/Edit Mode

There are three modes in Steppy, and the role of 16 central buttons turns into every mode.
Play Mode
When neither the Select Mode LED nor the EDIT Mode LED turns on, it is a Play Mode state. The central button edites the gate sequence then. The segment that each truck was divided by 16 steps in up to 64 steppesPageI am separated by every) causing と, and the pattern of the truck / page that I chose with later Select mode is displayed. I push the button, and, please set ON/OFF of the gate by each step. In addition, the step becomes last by pushing and holding the button for a few seconds for one second, and the sequence head of the truck is changed when I want to set a certain step for the last step.
Select Mode
When I push the Select Mode button, and Select Mode LED turns on, it is a Select Mode state. The central button performs a function written on each button in a black background then.

It is chosen the truck that TRACK A - D edites the upper section and displays.
I choose the page that Page from 1:4 to 4:4 of the upper section edit it and display.
Four lower berth left side ("X") becomes the mute of each truck.
Four on the lower berth right side from the left sequentially
  • Having page follow or not: I display a page performing a sequence or choose it now whether you continue displaying a page choosing
  • Loopy mode: While I push the both ends button in the range of a part of the sequence with the Loopy mode, a loop does only the range all 4 trucks. I can easily create Phil to come back to the position that there should be by the sequence of the cause cause now when I separate a button.
  • RESET: I return all sequences to the first position when I push it. I do the same movement when I input trigger into RST Jack
  • CLR: I clear the sequence of a truck choosing. All the gates becoming ON are deleted when I push one time of button briefly, but other truck parameters such as a lei and the swing are not deleted by D. Those parameter setting is deleted by the truck and are initialized when I push and hold one second for a few seconds
Edit Mode
When I push the EDIT Mode button, and EDIT Mode LED turns on, it is an Edit Mode state. In Edit Mode, I can change the gate head and clock number of partitions, setting of the swing every each truck. I can choose a truck and a page to choose if I push the Select Mode button as Edit Mode to simplify the choice of a truck and the page. I come back to normal Edit Mode if I push the Select Mode button after choice once again without pushing the Edit Mode button more.

The subscript of the lower berth button is equivalent to the sequence parameter that each truck edites. I push the button of the parameter that I want to edit and choose it and change a parameter level with eight phases by pushing the button of the upper section. In pushing and holding the upper section button which I chose when I choose a value for a few seconds,None of 4 trucksI can apply the parameter that chose に at a time. The details of each parameter are as follows.
  • GATE: I set the length of the output gate of the choice truck. It becomes the length same as an input clock when I push the first left of the upper section button. It becomes the gate of a short pulse when I choose the second among the left, and a gate becomes long after the third. The gate becomes the length just at the step interval when I push the most right button and is connected with the next step (Thailand).
  • CLK÷: I perform a divide of a sequence clock and make a slow sequence. A divide grows big as they go to the right, and eight buttons become /1,/2,/3,/4,/8,/16,/32,/64 in turn
  • SWING: I set quantity of swing of each truck. Eight buttons come to have a big swing as I go to the right and are 50% (there is no swing), 54%, 58%, 62%, 66%, 70%, 75%, 78% from the left.
  • DELAY: I delay the whole sequence every truck (within 1 step). Eight buttons come to have a big delay as I go to the right and are 0% (there is no swing), 8%, 17%, 25%, 33%, 42%, 50%, 58% from the left
  • PROB: A gate becoming ON on a truck can really set output probability. Eight buttons come to have a big appearance probability as I go to the right and are 12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, 50%, 62.5%, 75%, 87.5%, 100% from the left (default).
  • SHIFT: I shift a pattern to every each truck by a step unit back and forth. As for the quantity of shift to set with eight buttons, it is with 4 step left, 3 step left, 2 step left, 1 step right, 2 step right, 3 step right, 4 step right from the left.
  • SAVE: I store a pattern when I push the SAVE button. I can save it to eight, and save chooses pre-seting it by upper section button. Because it is lost when the pattern that I do not store switches it off, please store the pattern that you want to call on the next time by all means
  • LOAD: I call a pattern when I push the LOAD button. I choose a pattern to call among up to eight patterns that I stored by upper section button.


ラチェッティング is a function ringing repeatedly at the speed that is shorter than 1 step in 1 step. Every truck can set ラチェッティング every step.

I push and hold Edit button for a few seconds to set ラチェッティング after choosing a truck and the page that I want to edit and enter the ラチェッティング setting mode. I push the button and choose the step that wants to set ラチェッティング. I choose consecutive at bats of ラチェッティング in the step where is reverse to the button which I chose. From the left 1 (become the ラチェッティングless ),2,3,4,6,8,12, random.)

When I set the number of the ratchets of a certain step, I can just edit the number of the ratchets of the step if I choose a step in same Danjo. I choose the step that I want to edit after pushing the Edit button once, and coming back to the step choice state when I set the step of the different step. In addition, in pushing the step that wants to paste while pushing the step which wants to copy the number of the ratchets at the time of step choice the number of the ratchetsCopyI can do it. I steal out of ラチェッティング setting mode if I push and hold Edit button for a few seconds again

Tap recording

The tap recording to drive a pattern while pushing the button is possible in Steppy in real time. I enter the tap recording mode by pushing the Edit button while pushing the Select button which it is done クォンタイズ as for the pattern that I devoted myself to by a clock after having reflected all the setting such as D lei, clock division, ラチェッティング, and is regenerated. I get away when I push the Edit button.

With the tap recording mode, 16 buttons are divided into four segments. I push four left upper buttons and really program gate ON every each truck in real time. The bottom, a button of four lower right are buttons for the deletion of the gate. The gate in the step that passed while I push it is deleted. When each truck returned to step 1, as for four buttons of the top right corner, light, the button of four lower right display a sequence easily.

Copy between truck pages

I perform the copy and paste between a truck and pages with Select mode. The parameters such as swing or the gate probability are not copied.

In Select mode, press the button on the track that contains the original pattern you want to copy, and then press the button on the track you want to copy. Similarly, if you want to copy between pages, press the source page while pressing the button on the destination page.


Firmware Update

The steps for updating the firmware are as follows:
  1. Turn off the module
  2. Connect the USB cable to the computer from the back of the module.
  3. IntellijelPageOpen the updater downloaded from and select the module and version from the drop down.
  4. Press and hold the EDIT button to power the module back on.
  5. At the bottom of the updaterUpdateThe progress bar begins when you press the button, and when the message "Update completed successfully" appears at the end, the update is terminated.
  6. Reboot the modular will work with the new firmware