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Intellijel Designs Rainmaker

¥118,900 (税抜 ¥108,091)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 36HP
Depth: 44mm
Current: 270mA@+12V, 24mA@-12V





In Rainmaker, 16 taps are rhythmicalStereo D leiステレオコムレゾネーターIt is an effect module of high-quality sound equipped with the section of の two. It is with an effect to repeat "tap" that both sections delay an input sound and output, and to make, but it is in the section that aimed at an effect to be provided by repeating a lei on a day at time having a very short it when the コムレゾネーター followed audio system rate and it mainly. It is converted into 96kHz, a digital signal of 24 bits and is handled at 32 bits inside. Having 128 storages to pre-set, it is setable in all parameters or part at random.

※With ステレオコムレゾネイター?
To be increased according to the frequency of the input signal, and to deny the signal through the delay tap as an input signal when I add it up,Comb-shaped filter frequency propertiesI can get を. ステレオコムレゾネイター brings about the com filtering effect that very deep resonance worked for by repeating up to 64 such delay taps. コムレゾネイター is the same if I lengthen delay lineEchoIt becomes the effect. When delay line is short, and feedback is strong, it becomes the sound source that Karplus-Strong type synthesizer cis と is invited to.


Rainmaker is comprised of a button, an OLED display, LED, a normal knob, a rotary encoder, an element such as Jack. Many buttons display it to a display and are used for the choice of an edited parameter. In addition, FX ON, MUTE, the button such as EDIT/TAP# become the button to change a mode and a state of Rainmaker. Furthermore, there are a tap tempo, CLEAR, the button with a special function such as TRIGGER. There are eight big knob in total and can control an important parameter directly. A small black knob is an attenuator for the CV input to coping Jack.

The setting of the parameter chooses the parameter that I want to set with a button and makes a change and decision by a turn and the push of the rotary encoder.
The explanation of all parts is displayed in mouse over

Voltage control

I made the parameter of two upper sections voltage control possibility in Rainmaker. Quantity of feedback, pace shift of all taps, filtering (Tone) of the feedback course are voltage control possibility in the D lei section. The size (delay line) of the comb, quantity of feedback are voltage control possibility in コムレゾネーターセクション. Furthermore, there is the modulation input that can assign two of MOD A/B and can assign different modulation ahead every pre-seting it. It is setable, and various uses can choose the trigger input among reverse of the lei, orchid lump is of the parameter, mute etc of the tap on freeze of the lei input, a day on trigger and a day of built-in noise Berst who is usable as signal input of レゾネーター.


It is a demonstration of Cylonix which is a developer of Rainmaker.

It is the demonstration that I introduced the setting of the D lei section parameter of our store to.


The parameter of the stereo Riz Mick D lei section and method to edit

Parameter setting of the Riz Mick D lei
Riz Mick D can set the parameter of the lei with a module left upper blue button and a white button and a rotary encoder. The function of blue button and white button,Mode to editTap number modeかで changes. I can change these two modes by pushing the left upper EDIT/TAP# button. There are many parameters, but there is common setting with all taps that every tap can set it.
  • Tap number modeThen I choose the tap parameter that I want to edit among the white TAP EDIT button group and choose a tap to edit with a blue button and set the parameter every tap individually by turning a rotary encoder.
  • Mode to editThen I can edit all taps common parameter. I choose the parameter that I want to edit with a blue button distributed every section including "CLOCK" and "FEEDBACK" and I turn a rotary encoder and set it.
    In addition, it is this mode,I edit the parameter every tap all at onceI can do it:
    • - When I choose the parameter according to the tap which I want to set among the white TAP EDIT button group and turn it after pushing one time of rotary encoder, as for every tap, a value same with all taps can set a parameter.
    • - When I choose the parameter according to the tap which I want to set among the white TAP EDIT button group and turn it after pushing two times of rotary encoders, I slope it between taps, and every tap can set a parameter at a stretch. How to put slants turns a rotary encoder, and, please choose it.
A parameter and the setting methods of the stereo Riz Mick D lei are as follows.

The parameter that is setable every tap
  • The Riz Mick D lei of 16 taps each tapFilter and グラニュラーピッチシフター of 2PoleI have を. As well as it,パンニング and level, muteIt is setable every tap of the も individual.
  • The filter of the tap has different resonance and cut-off frequency each other, and it is selectable, and a bypass (not filtered) can do a low-path high-pass band pass.
  • グラニュラーピッチシフト is setable from 15 semitone tops to 16 semitone bottoms.

The parameter that is common with all taps: D lei time & groove
  • The tap has lei time toward different D each,D lei time when tap 1 is the shortest, tap 16 are lei time most on a long dayになります.
  • The D lei time for individual taps is 16 patterns to pre-set not setting it individuallyGrooveと is selectable from called). For example, as for two times tap 1, tap 3, it is with triple ... at D lei time of tap 2 if Groove is "Straight". The groove of the lei is got on the day when I did swing because the D lei time for tap of the even number joint is late than a case of Straight when Groove becomes "Swing". The list of groovesManualPlease refer to を
  • The overall D lei time base,
    •   Blue button encoder of the CLOCK section
    •   Tap tempo
    •   Outside clock
    のどれかで setting is possible. AgainGRIDThe parameter changes the lei time to the overall D, too
  • As for the overall D lei time, modulation is possible in LFO which can choose eight wave patterns. I set the modulation with a button and the encoder of the TIMEMOD section.
  • The range of the D lei timeIt is 20 seconds from 0.1 millisecondsです.

The parameter that is common with all taps: Feedback
  • I can return a signal after the filtering that put 16 taps together whether the feedback of the D lei throws one one of 16 taps (before filtering) up. I set it with the blue "TAP#" button of the FEEDBACK section. In addition, with the "SLIP" button of the section that how is, I can put off time for feedback.
  • It is equipped with a filter (low-path or high-pass) of グラニュラーピッチシフター and 1Pole independent on the feedback course of the D lei. The pace shift sets it with the blue PITCH button of the FEEDBACK section. The filter of the feedback sets it with a blue big knob of "FEEDBACK TONE".
  • I can control the quantity of feedback with exclusive "DELAY FEEDBACK" knob. The voltage control is possible, too.

Other parameters and setting that are common with all taps
  • The setting of グラニュラーピッチシフト used for the pace shift every tapGRAIN sectionで is possible. I can choose it among one or two, four grains, and the grain size is adjustable, too.
  • The audio system which was input into a D leiFreezeIt prevents doing it and from being updated it and can do reverse. I push three times of ROUTING CONFIG buttons of the top right corner, and the freeze is possible by making the control object of the Trigger button signal freeze.
  • "RAND"With the button that の is blue, the orchid lump is of various parameters is possible. I choose an orchid lump is point parameter with an encoder after pushing the RAND and come in orchid lump is by pushing it
  • I can put plural taps in the same D lei time(PILE). The delay time of one pile is the delay time (longest delay time) of the tap with the highest number among the taps included in the pile. If you set different pitches for taps in the pile, it will move with one delay timecodeYou can also make. Complex filtering delays are also possible.
  • The blue PITCH SHIFT knob allows you to pitch shift all taps simultaneously (+/- 1 octave).

Features of the stereo resonant comb filter section

  • Up to 64 taps can be used to create complex resonances
  • Various frequency shaping possible with three different feedback structures
  • When the delay time is short and the feedback is strongKarplus-Strong type synthesisAnd triggers the built-in noise burstString-like soundCan be issued. Create physically modeled guitar, sitar and clarinet sounds
  • The relationship between the delay times of the 64 taps can be specified by 16 preset patterns, which determine the tone of the resonator and the rhythm of the echo when used as an echo.
  • The longest tap is fed back to the input.
  • The overall delay time (corresponding to the size of the comb) is set with the rotary encoder, external clock, and 1V / Oct voltage control. there is no).
  • Overall delay time can be modulated by an LFO with eight selectable waveforms
  • Time can be set from 0.1 ms to 20 seconds

Com resonator setting

 The parameters of the Com Resonator can be set by selecting with the black button and turning the rotary encoder.

Utility settings

 The four buttons in the upper right corner allow you to set various settings, set the meter display, and save and load settings to presets. The setting items for the "ROUTING CONFIG" button vary depending on the number of times the button is pressed. In addition to the delay and comb resonator routing settings, trigger event settings and stereo settings can also be made.