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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Intellijel Designs Quad VCA

¥35,900 (税抜 ¥32,636)
充実した機能と高品質を兼ね備えた4CH VCAミキサー

Format: Eurorack
Width: 12HP
Depth: 29mm
Current: 65mA@+12V, 65mA@-12V




Quad VCA is four high-performance 4CH VCA mixers which delivered VCA to 12HP of high quality.

The output becomes the mixer of the nest of boxes structure, and it is to the structure which is mixed by the output of the next channel when the output of each VCA is not patched. Therefore, CH2 is mixed with CH1 when I patch only the output of CH2 and the CH4, and it is output by CH2, and the CH4 is mixed with CH3 particularly, and it is output by CH4. The output of all channels is mixed when I patch only the output of the CH4, and it is output by CH4.

It is connected the inside so that input CV of the channel in front is performed the same routing of when input CV does not patch it.

The Level knob is equipped with separately from CV attenuator independently and can set output sound level at the age of CV=0V. While a sound continues coming out consistently if I put up Level knob and input LFO into CV, I can add the volume change by LFO.

The boost switch of knob and 6dB which can coordinate reaction profile for CV with a direct alignment ... index type continually is equipped with.
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