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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

XAOC Devices Odessa

¥23,900 (税抜 ¥21,727)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 6HP
Depth: --mm
Current: 25mA@+12V, 30mA@-12V

Manual Pdf (English)

保証: なし(受取り1週間以内の初期不良のみ対応)
付属品: 電源ケーブル、M3ネジ、元箱

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Odessa is an additive digital oscillator module that can generate sounds by layering various harmonics.

 Harmonics can add dissonant non-integer harmonics as well as integer harmonics, and all harmonics vary with the frequency of the fundamental. By manipulating the parameters of the harmonics, we succeeded in creating a very wide range of sounds, from classic sawtooth and sine waves to strange overtones.

 Odessa has macro controls such as the number, frequency distribution and size of harmonics, and changes in those parameters are indicated by 12 multi-color LEDs. Harmonics series can be densely spread, spread, or biased in frequency, and the tone can be changed by a mechanism such as a comb filter. By moving the response of the comb filter, you can create a sound like flanging or fading.

 The pitch can be controlled at 1V / Oct, and the FM is available in both exponential and through-zero linear types. In addition, thick unison is possible by copying and detuning the sound up to 5 voices. If you use the expander Hel, it is also possible to send a 1V / Oct signal individually as well as unison and generate a code


