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Tiptop Audio EchoZ (White)

¥35,900 (税抜 ¥32,636)
Format: Eurorack
Width: 8HP
Depth: 40mm
Current: 100mA@+12V, 20mA@-12A

Manual pdf (English)

Color: Black


EchoZ is a Tiptop specialized module that specializes in Dillay.There are 24 algorithms from the tape echo emulation to the initial digital dilation sound, and the multiefeto associated with complex Derei.




Select Algorithm

The selection of the algorithm is the same as ZVerb or Z5000.The 24 algorithms are stored in three banks for each 8 algorithm.Switch over the algorithms in the bank by pressing and pressing the buttons on the bank you want to call, and then pressing the bank button.The calling algorithm is displayed in a red/yellow combination of three buttons.The last known algorithm in each bank is remembered.

Controls and inputs and outputs

The module is mono- in and stereopout.The output level is set closer to a line level that is smaller than the modular, because of the module that is used in the final stages of the patch.If you have modular audio, the output will be at the normal line level and greater than the line level when the input game is 0.The parameters that can be controlled are:CV input is enabled for Feedback and Filter, and TIME/FIDELITY is enabled by the switch with the corresponding jack in CV control.
  • Time: Control the time of the dilay.
  • Filter: Sets the cutoff of the filter in the algorithm
  • Feedback: Control the feedback of Dillay.
  • Fidelity: By controlling the speed of the analyzer clock that drives the DSP, it can affect sound.
  • In: Set the input level
  • Mix: Set Dry/Wet Balance