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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

ALM Busy SID GUTS DELUXE (with Swin SID chip)


Format: Eurorack
Width: 19HP
Depth: 38mm
Current: 50~200mA@+/-12V (200mAはビンテージSIDチップ使用の場合)
Manual (English)


In our shop, SwinSID chip, the original SID chip is greatly expanded and power saving chip is attached and sold, so you can use it as a Euro rack module immediately after purchase.You can replace it with a vintage tip (6581/8580) yourself, but it will not be guaranteed because it consumes more current and may overheat the tip. The attached SwinSID chip itself is not covered by the warranty except for initial failure. Please note that the external input function of the filter cannot be used for SwinSID.For tips on replacing tipsmanualPlease refer to.

 SID GUTS DELUXE, the successor to SID GUTS, a module that makes the sound generator chip "SID" used in the legendary home computer "Commodore 64" usable in Eurorack. In addition to the original functions of SID GUTS, the following has been added.
  • The oscillator has a wider frequency range up to 8 octaves and a pitch (Course / Fine) knob has been added
  • 1V / Oct pitch stability improvement
  • Chord mode with voltage control of up to three tones, including turned chords
  • Voltage control for filter cutoff and resonance
  • Filter type voltage control
  • Attenuator that can be inverted to pulse width modulation and cutoff frequency CV
  • Made with a single-layer surface mount circuit for a smaller depth
 Use 6851/8580 / SwinSID for SID chip.

