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Make Noise Mimeophon

¥73,900 (税抜 ¥67,182)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 16HP
Depth: 42mm
Current: 100mA@+12V, 10mA@-12V

Manual PDF (English)


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Mimeophon is a modern stereo audio repeater with enhanced echo delay effects. You can modulate time, space, and tone, morphing and modulating a very wide range of time scales, from micro sounds to phrase repetitions. It corresponds to both mono and stereo input.
  • Stereo input and output (things are also possible)
  • It is possible to morph smoothly between algorithms indicated by led color. It has the following algorithms: Karplus, Flange, Chorus, Echo, Looping
  • Rate controls the speed of repeats in the Zone
  • Skew allows you to change rate between the left and right
  • uRate does doppler effect modulation
  • Tempo Sync creates complex repeat patterns by modulating rate withno Doppler effect
  • Repeats specifies the number of repetitions
  • Halo allows repeats to blend into stereo space
  • Color controls feedback energy
  • From the Rate output, the gate is output to the tempo after the Skew effect has been taken.
  • Reverse playback is also possible by Zone
  • Press the Hold button to continue the loop without entering any new audio. on the other hand, you can do a non-destructive modulation.
  • Parameters such as Time, Space, Color are voltage controllable


How to Use

Overview and Controls

Mimeophon allows you to repeat the input audio the number of times you specify in Repeats, the speed specified by Rate, and further change the speed between the left and right in Skew. Repeat sounds are colored with Halo or Color. Hold also ignores the input and repeats the current repeat indefinitely. By controlling them manually or by voltage, you can create a variety of effects. The basic role of each operator is shown in the figure below.
Mouse over to see a description of each part  

Rate, zone, and clock relationships

One of mimeophon's features is that it can change the repeat time interval from milliseconds to nearly one minute, and control the voltage. The repeat time interval is basically determined by Rate, and the rate range is determined by the Zone. Zones are eight audio buffers in Mimephon, with Zone0-Zone7. Audio repeats are always done on the zone. The smaller the buffer size in order the zone number is younger, and the larger the zone, the larger the scale of the time range controlled by rate. The audio entered is always recorded in all eight zones, and the time area of the (smaller) zone of the young number is nested in such a nested area that it is included in the time area of the larger zone. If you move to a larger zone, you may want to repeat past sounds more than you previously repeated in smaller zones.

If you have not patched the external clock, the rate range per Zone is as follows:
  • Zone 0: 1.3ms to 20.4ms
  • Zone 1: 20.4ms to 81.6ms
  • Zone 2: 81.6ms to 326.5ms
  • Zone 3: 163.3ms to 653.1ms
  • Zone 4: 326.5ms to 1.306s
  • Zone 5: 653.1ms to 2.612s
  • Zone 6: 1.306s to 5.225s
  • Zone 7: 2.612s to 41.796s
As you can see, the maximum rate outside zone0 and 7 is set to be four times the minimum rate. Zone0 and 7 have this magnification of 16 times. In addition, the minimum time of Zone4 is half the maximum time of Zone3, and the time range between zones is built with a good integer ratio, so it is easy to overlap the timing of the echo even when you switch zones. Unlike rates, the Zone does not change pitch when it changes.

If you are patching the clock, The Mimeophon will allow time controls other than the μ-rate input to synchronize with the clock or select only the relevant kiri good time intervals continuously. Select the Zone closest to the time interval of the input clock, and then rate is located after 12 o'clock, the repeat time is synchronized to the clock time. If the time is 1/1, turning the Rate will change only the good time interval of Kiri continuously as follows.
  • x2 (full left)
  • x1 3/4
  • x1 2/3
  • x1 1/2
  • x 1 1/3
  • x1 1/4
  • 1/1 (~12 pm)
  • /1 1/4
  • /1 1/3
  • /1 1/2
  • /1 2/3
  • /1 3/4
  • /2 (full right)
If you move the Zone from here, the range will change by 2x and 1/2 x.