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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Make Noise Wogglebug

¥43,900 (税抜 ¥39,909)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 10HP
Depth: 24mm
Current: 50mA@+12V, 40mA@-12V

Manual PDF (English)

日本語マニュアル PDF


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Japanese Manual (pdf)It is.

Wogglebug is a random voltage generator licensed from a West Coast-style synthesizer called Wiard and with its own extension of Make Noise. It is a module that is extended under the influence of Buchla 265 "Source of Uncertainty", which issues smooth, irregular signals and random, crisp, step-like random signals.

The entire panel configuration is divided into three sections and is an AUDIO/CV/CLOCK section from the top. The core of Wogglebug is the CV section. Cv section of"ID" signalis a random noise source. On the opposite side of this signal,"EGO" signal (external input signal)based on signals mixed with these two signals with ego/ID balance knobs, and sample and hold clock signals generated from the CLK section, or output the sound of vco controlled by those signals from the AUDIO section.

  • One voltage-controllable clock (clk section)
  • 1 sample and hold (output from CV section, STEPPED OUT)
  • Two lag processors (CV section, smooth/WOGGLE CV)
  • Random Gate Burst Generator with random gate signals (clk section, Burst output)
  • Digital ring modulator with 2 VCO (SMOOTH VCO, WOGGLE VCO) (AUDIO section, Ring-Mod output)
is built-in, and most of them are CV controlled by patching. In addition, each section does not move independently of each other, but by intertwining the movements of each other complexly, it is possible to retrieve multiple random voltages related musically at the same time. For example, moving the Ego/Id balance control affects all step CVs, smooth CVs, Woggle CVs, SMOOTH VCO, ring modulation VCO ((Ring-Mod VCO), and Woggle VCO.
Mouse over to see a description of each part  

