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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details
15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Intellijel Designs Noise Random Tools 1U

¥18,400 (税抜 ¥16,727)

Format: 1U(電源はユーロラック3Uと共有)
Width: 22HP
Depth: 29mm
Current: 30mA@12V, 30mA@-12V


Intellijelの1UモジュールはSynthrotekやPulp Logic製の1U "TILE"フォーマットとは互換性がありません。Intellijelの4U、7Uケースなどにインストールしてお使いください。 Intellijel 1Uのサイズ仕様についてはこちらをご覧ください。

Intellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format smade by Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Install it in intellijel 4U, 7U case, etc. For Intellijel 1U size specifications, seeHerefor more information.

This is the next reservation page for arrival. Put the item in your cart and complete your reservation through the normal purchase process. The payment deadline is five days after receiving this item. It is scheduled to be in stock at the end of August. This page is for pre-orders. Payment is due 5 in due days from the arrival day. ETA: Late Aug


A toolbox module with noise sample and hold-through limiter functions at 1U.
  • A clock that can adjust the speed and a random pulse output linked to it
  • Analog Pink Noise White Noise Output
  • Analog Samples & Hold
  • Analog Through Limiter