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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Intellijel Designs Quadratt 1U

¥15,900 (税抜 ¥14,455)
Format: 1U(電源はユーロラック3Uと共有)
Width: 28HP
Depth: 25mm
Current: 24mA@12V, 23mA@-12V

Intellijelの1UモジュールはSynthrotekやPulp Logic製の1U "TILE"フォーマットとは互換性がありません。Intellijelの4U、7Uケースなどにインストールしてお使いください。 Intellijel 1Uのサイズ仕様についてはこちらをご覧ください。



This is a 4CH utility module that can be used as an attenuator, offset voltage output, and mixer. Each channel is

- When the input is patched: Attenuates the input signal. When the switch is "UNI" on the left, the attenuator is the right "+/-" and the atte inverter is the case, and in this case, when the knob is on the left side, the signal is reversed, attenuated, and outputs.
- When the input is not patched: Since a 5V signal is supplied internally to the input, it outputs 0-5V for "UNI" and -5V to 5V for "+/-".

- When the output is patched: A signal is output through the attenuator (atte inverter)
- When the output is not patched: The output is mixed into the output of the next channel. For example, if the output is only patched to CH2 and CH4, ch1 and 2 outputs are taken out from ch2 OUT, and ch3 and 4 outputs are mixed from CH4 OUT.
