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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

ALM Busy Squid Salmple

¥87,900 (税抜 ¥79,909)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 21HP
Depth: 38mm
Current: 300mA@+12V, 35mA@-12V
Manual (English)
最新のファームウェアはこちらのLatest Firmwareからダウンロードしてください

・出力先の変更: <func>+'Quality'から個別出力先を変更できます。(165以降)
・エキスパンダーのAxon-1, Axon-2に対応

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Squid Slample is a sampler for 8 channels of audio and CV playback. Designed for real-time sampling and editing. Influenced by early hardware samplers, it uses an easy-to-use, intuitive interface with encoders. FurtherCV sampling capabilities, CV-controllable many parameters, saving and calling via USBSuch as, has been added the essence of the modern modular.

The included USB stick is equipped with 90 carefully selected samples in advance, including classic drum machine sounds, quirky synth sounds, field recordings and more. Samples by artists such as Mumdance, Solid Blake, Russell Haswell, Lauren Flax, Dave Burraston (NYZ), Sue Zuki, Dungeon Acid, Sasha Lewis and Andrew Duff are also included.
  • ❏ 8 independent channels, 4 DC coupling outputs, and one mixac coupling output
  • ❏ The input jack for sampling can sample CVs and audio, and line-level sampling is possible.
  • ❏ Each channel can be loaded up to a sample of about 11 seconds. Stored in low latency memory at 16-bit, 44.1khz
  • ❏ Each channel has the following parameters and can be adjusted in real time; Bit depth, sampling rate, playback speed (pitch), volume (with simple envelope), crossfade loop, playback direction, start, endpoint, multi-queue group
  • ❏ It has three assignable CV inputs and can be assigned to any of several parameters. 6,7,8 channels plus 1v/oct input for dedicated pitch control
  • ❏ Sampling initialization and selection of sampling channels can also be automated with patches
  • ❏ Samples can be stored on usb sticks in normal Wav format, and 8 banks can be switched quickly (99 banks can be stored per USB stick)

