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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Strymon Magneto

¥97,000 (税抜 ¥88,182)
Format: Eurorack
Width: 28HP
Depth: 41mm
Current: 210mA@+12V, 210mA@-12V
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Magneto is a high-end effect module with a tape machine motif. In addition to the main stereo tape delay and looper functions, it also works as a phase sampler, vintage spring reverb, phase clock multiplier, oscillator, zero latency sub-oscillator, etc. Equipped with CV control.

 The main functions and features are as follows.
  • Tape saturation:  Magneto does more than just deliver a warm and comfortable tape delay sound. You can create high saturation. Raising the REC LVL (record level) knob sends a high signal to the recording head, giving you the saturation you want. A warmer sound can be added by raising the TAPE AGE. In addition, adding a SPRING (spring reverb) can add beautiful depth to the modular sound.
  • Self oscillator:  Tap in the early delay time and turn up the REPEATS knob so Magneto starts oscillating. The tone emitted by the setting of the SPEED / PITCH knob (or 1V / oct CV) or the control of the LOW CUT & TAPE AGE knob is determined. Press ∞ when the tone is determined. If you switch to PITCH QUONTIZE mode and turn the SPEED knob, you can play the scale set from 15 patterns of scale.
  • Pitch shift delay:  When set to Shift mode, changing the playback speed of each playback head creates a rhythmic pitch delay. Head 1 plays octave up and 5th at 3x speed, head 2 plays octave up at 2x speed, head 3 plays octave down at 1 / 2x speed (deep bass sound), and head 4 plays quarter note repeat without pitch shift To do. SHIFT mode gives melodic, rhythmic, loud & deep sound. In this mode, the unit can also be used as a powerful sub-oscillator with no latency (put the gate signal into the Restart CV input and blend the head 3 with the dry signal).
  • Spring reverb:  Some older tape echo machines used mechanical spring tanks with limited frequency response as reverb. Magneto reproduces this vintage feel and can play a beautiful sound together with the delay signal. The gain circuit of this reverb circuit adds a gorgeous, beautiful and spacious space to low-fidelity sounds that break when driven hard and low control settings.
  • Sound on sound:  Magneto has a LOOP mode (sound on sound). When you enter LOOP mode, Magneto records the signal like a traditional tape machine. Head 4 is a looper playback head, and heads 1 to 3 play the delay repeat of the input signal. The loop (tape) length is determined by pressing TAP once and splicing “in” again, and then pressing splice “out”. Press three times to erase the contents of the tape. REPEATS determines the degree of repetition. The maximum loop length is 15 seconds at maximum for the SPEED knob and 2 minutes for minimum.
  • Phrase sampler: Includes a phrase sampler function that records the loop set with the TAP button. Press the TAP button once to start sample recording, and again to stop recording. Press three times to clear the sample memory. The sample is played with the RESTART button or RESTART CV input. The playback pitch and speed can be determined by SPEED or SPEED CV.
  • Infinity echo: Magneto can also simply repeat signals played on other modulars. In ECHO or LOOP mode, press the ∞ button to stop recording and repeat the delay or loop. You can also use it as an oscillator using ∞.
  • reverse: In ECHO mode, all tape contents (within delay time) can be played in reverse. This reverse playback can be even more fantastic if you add SPEED or PAUSE operations. In LOOP and SAMPLE modes, only the recorded length is played back in reverse. It is also possible to add new sounds during playback.
  • Clock out: Each of Magneto's four heads has CLK CV OUT (output), which can output the same phase as the input clock and Tap CV signal. In 4-head EVEN (Equal) space in ECHO mode, head 1 output is 4/1 (sixteenth note), head 2 output is 2/1 (eighth note), and head 3 output is 3/4 (attached) The output of head 4 is 1/1. TRIPLET and SHIFT output different headspace values.
  • Stop / Start effect of mechanical tape: Magneto's PAUSE control is one of the faithful reproduction functions of variable speed tape delay. The movement stops while slowing down during the pose and starts up slowly. This slowdown / startup speed allows for easy user control. (Head 4 control knob)
  • Scrubbing: SPEED knob acts as an audio scrubbing tool while transport pause is functioning. The length of audio in the scrubbing buffer is determined by the position of the SPEED knob. The maximum position is 750 ms and the minimum position is 6 seconds.
  • stereo: Even if the modular is all mono output setup, you can enjoy stereo sound by inputting to Magneto's L jack. This unit has 4 heads, you can pan them left and right by panning, and you can also select LRLR, LRRL, customized center in pan mode. You can also enjoy a psycho-acoustic effect with all heads in the center. In addition, wow and flutter and spring reverb emphasize the stereo effect.
  • Analog dry pass: A general digital effector converts a dry signal into a digital signal, which increases noise level and latency. In addition, since the signal is trimmed down before the digital dry and wet signals are matched, the noise increases when the gain is increased and the signal level is restored. To prevent these problems from deteriorating sound quality, Magneto has an independent analog dry path (signal path). This method has achieved high dynamic range and low noise performance.
  • Exceptionally powerful DSP: We use the incredibly powerful Analog Devices SHARC ADSP-21369 processor. The performance of a 366MHz SIMD SHARC with a peak performance of 2.4 GFLOPS has performed our dTape algorithm at an uncompromising level.

