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Expert Sleepers FH-2

¥54,900 (税抜 ¥49,909)
Format: Eurorack
Width: 8HP
Depth: 48mm
Current: 118mA@ +12V, 48mA @ -12V

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The FH-2 is a MIDI-CV conversion/clock module with the following functions:
  • MIDI→CV conversion for polyphony and MPE
  • Usb MIDI can be hosted and functioned simultaneously as a device. Usb Type-C is adopted on the USB device side.MIDI Breakoutit also supports MIDI with 5-pin DIN by contacting
  • Converting to velocity-aware triggers
  • VCO Caribbean
  • Clock generation and synchronization
  • Clock can be used with MIDI clock (in and out), analog clock (in and out), internal clock (BPM specification or tap tempo)
  • LFO generation (tempo syncable)
  • Alpeggiator
  • Euclidean Pattern Generator
The FH-2 has eight high-precision CV outputs, and the output can be increased to 64 CV outputusing the FHX-1 expander module (using seven FHX-1s). FH-1 can also be used as an expander instead of FHX-1.) AlsoFHX-8GTThe gate expansion machine can also increase the gate/ trigger/ clock output by 64 separately,Up to 128 outputsIt comes to

You can set up all modules on the main unit. You can also use useful web-based configuration tools. The tool communicates directly with the module using MIDI SysEx

Typical usages


Use with MIDI keyboard

With multiple FHX-1s, you can convert for polyphonics of up to 16 pronunciations. It also supports arpeggio and keyboard split.


Use with MPE controller

With multiple FHX-1s, position and pressure information can be converted up to 16 touches.


Use with MIDI controller

You can convert up to 64 MIDI information using multiple FHX-1 combinations.


Groove box and use

You can output midi clocks, run/stop triggers, etc.


Use with computers and iOS devices

In addition to using as described above, you can also change the settings by SysEx All of the above, plus SysEx for configuration of the FH-2.


Use as a clock generator

The FH-2 can operate as the center of the modular system clock. The lfo that can be synchronized can be output standalone without usb connection.

