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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Intellijel Designs Dixie II+

¥42,900 (税抜 ¥39,000)
オクターブスイッチやサブオシレータ-、2つのシンクを搭載したDixie IIの機能強化バージョン

Format: Eurorack
Width: 8HP
Depth: 40mm
Current: 70mA@+12V, 60mA@-12V




Dixie II+ is a different version of Dixie II that has been added a little larger and more functional. The sound is the same, but instead of the coarse knob of the pitch being abolished, the octave switch is attached, and pw control knobs and FM attenuators have been added. It's easier to use as an oscillator than the original Dixie II, which was perfect for FM modulators. Sync options have also been added.
  • 8-position octave switch
  • The fine tuning knob is a coarse speed knob in LFO mode.
  • There are two FM inputs other than 1V/Oct, FM1 can switch between exponential and linear characteristics with attenuator
  • Pulse width can be controlled by CV with knob and attenuator
  • Hard sink input to reset to 0V
  • Flip Sync is a sink that reverses the waveform and is a sink similar to DixieII
  • 6 outputs of sign, triangle, unique zigzag wave, saw, pulse, suboctave


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