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Intellijel Designs Steppy

¥44,900 (税抜 ¥40,818)
Format: Eurorack
Width: 8HP
Depth: 25mm
Current: 15mA@ +12V, 1mA @ -12V




Steppy is a 4-track gate sequencer module. Equipped with eight memory slots, synchronization with an external clock and various sequence options, it is designed to be effective in performance.
  • Sequence step length can be set for each track, and up to 64 steps can be recorded
  • Gate length can be set for each track, and it is also possible to connect (gate) from a short trigger to the next step and release the gate
  • Clock divide is possible for each track.
  • Swing can be set for each track
  • Gate delay can be set for each track
  • Gate ON probability can be set for each track
  • Sequence can be shifted back and forth for each track
  • Repeated hits with a resolution of at least the step for each track and for each step (Ratcheting)You can do
  • Type a pattern by pressing a button in real timeTap recordingIs also possible
  • You can easily create a filled sequence by selecting a part of the entire sequence and temporarily looping it
  • Copy and paste between patterns and pages is possible


Play / Select / Edit Mode

 There are three modes in Steppy, and the role of the central 16 buttons changes for each mode.
Play Mode
 When neither the Select Mode LED nor the EDIT Mode LED is lit, it is in the Play Mode state. At this time, the center button edits the gate sequence. Each track has a maximum of 64 steps, and segments (16 steps)page), And the pattern of the track / page selected in Select mode described later is displayed. Press the button to set ON / OFF of the gate at each step. If you want to set a step as the last step, press and hold the button for one second to make that step last and change the sequence length of that track.
Select Mode
 Press the Select Mode button, and when the Select Mode LED is lit, you are in the Select Mode state. At this time, the center button performs the function written in black background on each button.

 The left side is for selecting tracks to be edited and displayed by TRACK A to D.
 Select the page to be edited / displayed in Page 1: 4 to 4: 4 on the left.
 The upper four ("x") on the right side mute each track.
 The four on the lower right side are in order from the top
  • Whether to follow the page: Select whether to display the currently sequenced page or keep the selected page displayed
  • Loopy mode: In Loopy mode, all four tracks will loop through only a portion of the sequence while pressing the end buttons. When you release the button, you can easily create a fill to return to where you were in the original sequence.
  • RESET: Press to reset all sequences to the initial position. Performs the same operation as when a trigger is input to the RST jack
  • CLR: Clears the sequence of the selected track. A short press of the button deletes all gates that are ON, but does not delete other track parameters such as delay or swing. A long press for 1 second will also remove those parameter settings from that track and initialize them
 It becomes.
Edit Mode
 Press the EDIT Mode button, and when the EDIT Mode LED is lit, you are in the Edit Mode state. In Edit Mode, you can change the gate length, number of clock divisions, and swing settings for each track. To make it easier to select tracks and pages, press the Select Mode button in Edit Mode to select the track or page to select. After selecting, press the Select Mode button again to return to the normal Edit Mode without pressing the Edit Mode button again.

 The subscript on the right button corresponds to the sequence parameter to be edited for each track. Press the button for the parameter you want to edit and select it, then press the button on the left to change the parameter value in eight steps. When selecting a value, press and hold the selected left button,All 4 tracksYou can apply the parameters selected at once. The details of each parameter are as follows.
  • GATE:  Sets the length of the output gate for the selected track. Press the top left button to make it the same length as the input clock. If you select the second from the top, the gate will be a short pulse, and the gate will be longer after the third. Press the bottom button and the gate will be exactly the length of the step, connecting to the next step (Tie).
  • CLK ÷:  Divides the sequence clock into a slow sequence. The eight buttons have a larger divide as you go down, in the order / 1, / 2, / 3, / 4, / 8, / 16, / 32, / 64
  • SWING:  Set the swing amount for each track. The eight buttons increase the swing as you go down, from the top 50% (no swing), 54%, 58%, 62%, 66%, 70%, 75%, 78%.
  • DELAY:  Delay the entire sequence (within one step) for each track. The delay of the eight buttons increases as you go down, from left to right: 0% (no swing), 8%, 17%, 25%, 33%, 42%, 50%, 58%
  • PROB:  You can set the probability that a gate that is ON on a track is actually output. The probability of appearance of the eight buttons increases as you go down, from the top 12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, 50%, 62.5%, 75%, 87.5%, 100% (default).
  • SHIFT:  For each track, the pattern is shifted back and forth in steps. The shift amount set with the eight buttons is four steps before, three steps before, two steps before, one step before, one step after, two steps, three steps, and four steps from the top.
  • SAVE:  Press the SAVE button to save the pattern. You can save up to eight, and select the save destination preset with the left button. Unsaved patterns will be lost when the power is turned off, so be sure to save the pattern you want to recall next time
  • LOAD:  Press the LOAD button to call up the pattern. Use the left button to select the pattern to recall from up to eight saved patterns.


 Ratcheting is a function that performs continuous hits in one step at a speed shorter than one step. Ratcheting can be set for each track and each step.

 To set up ratcheting, select the track and page you want to edit, then press and hold the Edit button to enter ratcheting setting mode. Press the button to select the step for which you want to set ratcheting. Select the number of continuous ratcheting strokes in the opposite row to the selected button. From the top, 1 (no ratcheting), 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, random.

 When setting the number of ratchets for a step, you can edit the number of ratchets for that step by selecting a step on the same level. To set a different step, press the Edit button once to return to the step selection state, and then select the step you want to edit. When selecting a step, hold down the step you want to copy the number of ratchets, and press the step you want to paste.copyI can do it. Press and hold the Edit button again to exit ratcheting setting mode

Tap recording

 Steppy also allows tap recording to hit patterns in real time while pressing a button. The entered pattern reflects the settings of delay, clock division, ratcheting, etc., and is quantized to the clock and played. Press the Edit button while pressing the Select button to enter tap recording mode. Press the Edit button to exit.

 In tap recording mode, the 16 buttons are divided into 4 segments. Press the four buttons on the upper left to actually program the gate ON for each track in real time. The four buttons on the right and upper right are buttons for deleting gates. The gate on the step passed while pressing is deleted. The bottom four buttons light up when each track returns to step 1, and the bottom right four buttons provide a simplified view of the sequence.

Track / Page Copy

Copy pasting between tracks and pages is done in Select mode. Parameters such as swing and gate probability are not copied.

In Select mode, press the button on the track that contains the original pattern you want to copy, and then press the button on the track you want to copy. Similarly, if you want to copy between pages, press the source page while pressing the button on the destination page.


Firmware Update

The steps for updating the firmware are as follows:
  1. Turn off the module
  2. Connect the USB cable to the computer from the back of the module.
  3. IntellijelPageOpen the updater downloaded from and select the module and version from the drop down.
  4. Press and hold the EDIT button to power the module back on.
  5. At the bottom of the updaterUpdateThe progress bar begins when you press the button, and when the message "Update completed successfully" appears at the end, the update is terminated.
  6. Reboot the modular will work with the new firmware