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Tiptop Audio Quantizer


Format: Eurorack
Width: 10HP
Depth: 43mm
Current: 60mA@+12V, 5mA@-12V
Manual pdf (English)


Quantizer is a quota that is a compact size for performance and a number of features.
  • High-precision AD converter with input range from -0 to 10 volts, 0-5 volts, and -5 to 5 volts
  • -A high-precision DA converter with 0-5V output range
  • -Can toggle the quota (sample & hold) trigger mode by triggering an input CV immediately and by a trigger to Clock In.
  • Sketch pad feature for recording the scale.
  • -A SyncBus Connector capable of exchanging data and synchronizing with other Tiptop devices
  • -Scale selection is also controllable by CV
  • -equipped with sliders that can control the transspores and portamento
  • -The scale of the scale of the scale is selected, and the keyboard is equipped with a keyboard button that can be used as a keyboard.
  • -Major scale, minor scale can be selected as soon as a button
  • -Scale can be stored in memory 24 scales by user-edited
  • -Installing the USB port on the rear for update

Basic operations

The key board button is not just about setting the scale, it can be used as a transpose or as a simple keyboard.Use the "KEYBOARD" button several times to select how to use it.Slider can also perform a number of operations that can help with performance.Select the "SLIDER" button several times to select what you want to do.

If you want to use it on any scale you want, press the S1 button first, then press one of the key-board buttons.This will cause you to select one of the 12 custom scales in the bank of S1.Then press the "Keyboard" button several times, then select "Scale Edit".In that state, select the scale you want to output by using the keyboard button.The output on the output is displayed with a green LED, and the current scale is red.

You can also save it or save it if you want to do so in the bank scale.You can save by pressing the KEYBOARD button and selecting Input Range and then pressing B's key button.

For more detailed features and configuration options, refer to the sections in each section.

Recording Capabilities

QuantiZer has a recording function called a Sketchpad.When you press the Record button and the LED is lit red, the recording starts.During the recording, the keyboard button is pressed in the manual, and the scale is recorded for each step according to the input clock.When you finish recording, you press the Record button again, and the sequence that you recorded by flashing the LED plays back.Use the Reset button or Reset signal if you want to replay the sequence from the beginning.

You can also record sequences by connecting with the Circadian Rhythms (CR) loop by connecting them with the SyncBus.First.manualconnect the CR and QuantiZer with the SyncBus cable, as in the way.To synchronize the synchronization with the SyncBus, press the KEYBOARD button to select the Input Range, and then press the Eb key button to set the synchronization to SyncBus.Press the BOSS button twice in the CR to make the CR master of QuantiZer.Set the loop with the CR.When you press the Record button, the recording begins and ends automatically.A sequence that records when a loop on a CR is replayed is also replayed.Because the sequence is recorded with a preset in a loop of CRs, a preset on the CR can play only the sequence of the parts in the loop that correspond to the preset.