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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Malekko Heavy Industry Richter Oscillator

¥40,900 (税抜 ¥37,182)
Format: Eurorack
Width: 14HP
Depth: 35mm
Current: 90mA@+12V, mA@-12V

Jacks & Knobs



The Richter Oscillator is an oscillator module with several gimmicks in a high-quality analog oscillator/LFO. Standard frequency control sit with exponential FM(attenuator) control, and in addition to the standard waveforms such as Sine/Triangle/Square/Saw, the triangular/square/saw waveform sModulation phaseyou can take out the waveform. The phase is controlled by the Phase control knob and the CV with the attenuator on it. It is also useful when used as an LFO.

Malekko recommended patching examples include patching other oscillatorfrequencies by modulating the frequency of other oscillators with Richter Oscillator, and patching the output of the modulated oscillator in the Phase Mod CV input of The Oscillator Oscillator.

AlsoSign wave is very pureThe thing is also a characteristic of this oscillator.



Basic waveform demo

FM Demo

Anti-OscillatorOscillator Phase modulation in (audio rate modulation)