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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Intellijel Designs Tetrapad

¥56,900 (税抜 ¥51,727)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 20HP
Depth: 19mm
Current: 130mA@+12V, 15mA@-12V


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It is the multidimensional controller of the pressure-sensitive expression that Tetrapad is multipurpose and is usable. I am concerned, and I replace it with the voltage, and four pads output the vertical position and pressure of a point involved in.

Tetrapad can work with various modes. There are nine operation modes and one global setting mode and pushes the white mode selection button and chooses a mode by turning one among four encoders and I push the mode selection button once again and come back. Even if all the setting every each mode switches it off, it is memorized. It is different every mode what kind of signal you output from eight output.
  • Mode​ ​1:​ ​Faders​ ​Mode​ - With this mode, I output the voltage depending on position and pressure of the fader long for Channel Four.
  • Mode​ ​2:​ ​Voltages​ ​Mode​ - I divide each pad into two top and bottom with this mode and can assign eight output in total the different voltage. The set of eight voltage that I output it and assigned can memorize eight as pre-seting it.
  • Mode​ ​3:​ ​Keyboard​ ​Mode​ - It is a mode with Tetrapad as 8 key keyboards. The top and bottom of each pad is divided with this mode. The gate is output when I push the pad and can output a position and the pressure information again.
  • Mode​ ​4:​ ​Custom​ ​Keyboard​ ​Mode​ - It is 8 keys to each keyboard keyboard mode assigning the output with a manual. It is setable by the output finely without depending on a scale performed a built-in of
  • Mode​ ​5:​ ​Drum​ ​Mode​ - Tetrapad functions as four drum pads with this mode. Each pad outputs CV depending on the positional information that I criticized in addition to the gate output.
  • Mode​ ​6:​ ​LFO​ ​Mode​ - It is a mode outputting four independent LFO. I can output CV depending on pressure, too
  • Mode​ ​7:​ ​Switches​ ​Mode​ - Tetrapad becomes eight switch panels and is available as toggle switch or モメンタリースイッチ
  • Mode​ ​8:​ ​Chord​ ​Mode​ - Memory does the code of 4 notebooks every each pad with this mode, and pace CV corresponding to four notebooks, gate, trigger, position, pressure CV are output when I push the pad. I choose a cord among a cord library, and the setting such as a route or the revolve is possible, too.
  • Mode​ ​9:​ ​Custom​ ​Chord​ ​Mode​ - It is a mode letting I appoint directly each musical scale and output a cord without using the cord libraries.
  • Mode​ ​12:​ ​Global​ ​Configuration​ ​- It is a mode setting sensitivity of the pressure of Tetrapad


Firmware Update

The procedures of the firmware update are as follows.

  1. I drop the power supply of the module
  2. I connect a USB cable to a computer from the module back.
  3. IntellijelのPageI open up the updater that downloaded から, and a choice does a module and a version from a drop-down.
  4. I spend the power supply of the module again while pushing the white button of the front desk
  5. The retainer of the updater has itUpdateA progress bar begins when I push the button and is the update end if a message called "Update completed successfully" is displayed last
  6. I work in new firmware if I reboot a modular