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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Rebel Technology Phoreo

¥31,900 (税抜 ¥29,000)
Format: Eurorack
Width: 10HP
Depth: 20mm
Current: 15mA@+12V, 5mA@-12V, 20mA@5V


Phoreo is a multifunction module that processes triggers, gates, and clock cycles.The following functions are performed from top to top:
  • Pulse width modulation section: Prints the gate length (pulse width) of the clock/trigger/gate signal that is entered.The gate length can be controlled by a knob and CV.
  • Multiplication (Multiplication) Section: Prints the clocks that are entered at a rate of 1 to 16 times faster.The multiplier is controlled by a knob and CV.
  • Repete Section: Each time you have an input trigger/gate, you will print the trigger with a running speed at the speed that you set in the Multiplication section.You can control the number of hits in knobs and CV.
The input to the repeats section is not patched and the input to the Multiplication section is an internal line, and the input to the Multiplication section is not patched and the input to the Pulse width modulation section is an internal line.When the clock is patched to input to the pulse width modulation section, the output for each section is as follows:

The output gates from the pulse-width modulation can be used for input to ADSR/ASR envelopes, etc., as well as Rebel Technology. Klasmata, 4ms. QCDIt can also be used for rhythm modulation, such as for example.The output of the multiplication section is modularable clock, and the output of the repeats section is useful as a tram-burst generator, such as a drumming filter-in.