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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details
15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Tax-Free shopping at Clockface Modular

Who is eligible for tax-free shopping?

We offer tax-free shopping of in-stock items for "non-resident" customers at our physical store. Please let us know if you're eligible for that.

According to Japanese Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act,"Non-resident" means that persons not having their domicile or residence in Japan and judicial persons not having their principal office in Japan. The following customer is eligiable for TaxFree shopping.

Customer with foreign nationality: The customer who has a permission to stay  in Japan within 6 months in Japan

Customer with Japanese nationality:
The customer who is staying in foreign country for the purpose of working at the office based abroard for more than 2 years, and return to Japan temporarily for staying for less than 6 months.

Passport and landing permission required

Your passport is required to get tax-free qualification.
If you have a passport without being attached with a landing permission, a  document on which prints the alternative permission is required.

When using the automated immigration gates for landing examination at the airports, your passport might not be stamped with the seal of verification for entry. Therefore, you may not be able to identify yourself as a person eligible for tax-free purchases at tax-free shops.
When using the tax-free shops, after passing through the automated immigration gates, please inform the officer at each inspection office that you need the seal of verification before customs inspection.

At the airport

You are required to export tax-free goods by yourselves and not allowed to transfer or consume the tax-free goods in Japan.

  • You are eligible to purchase the tax-free goods only when you intend to take them out of Japan as souvenirs, etc.
  • You are not allowed to purchase the tax-free goods for business or commercial purposes, as well as for resale purposes, and on behalf of a third party upon his/her request through social media or other methods.

Please present your passport and the purchased goods at customs upon departure. Customs inspect your possession of the tax-free goods.

If you do not possess the tax-free goods upon departure, you have to pay the consumption tax at customs.

  • If you have transferred or consumed the tax-free goods prior to departure, you have to pay the consumption tax.
  • You may be subject to penalty (imprisonment up to one year or a fine up to a maximum of 500,000 yen) if you have transferred the tax-free goods prior to your departure from Japan.

Please also read the document from Japanese government.

Notice to foreign travelers who purchase tax free goods

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