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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

XAOC Devices Batumi

¥33,900 (税抜 ¥30,818)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 10HP
Depth: 45mm
Current: 45mA@+12V, 15mA@-12V
Manual pdf (English)
XAOC Deviceのページ(ファームウェアはこちらからダウンロードしてください)

保証: なし(受取り1週間以内の初期不良のみ対応)
付属品: 電源ケーブル、M3ネジ、元箱
備考: v1



Batumi is Channel Four LFO where it is highly precise and was particular about with a compact. There is the following characteristic.
  • Four LFO is equipped with slider and the CV control that supported
  • By a leading small button,Four modesI change it to を global and use it.
  • As well as SINE/SAW/SQUARE, I can output the wave pattern which I set with a jacket.
  • The RESET/SYNC input input trigger of the LFO wave patternResetIs (but, like so-called oscillator sink, reset it in the middle of a wave pattern); or LFO to a clockThe same periodIt is changed with a jacket whether it is to give each waveform that I did (initial setting).
  • Zoom functionThe frequency setting that で is exact is possible. It becomes the zoom setting when I push and hold a leading button for a few seconds and becomes able to set frequency finely.
  • A slider position and speed do not support when they can skip zoom setting. The LED under such a channel flashes on and off. The movement of the slider is not reflected until I pass a position that I move a slider.
  • The USB connector deployment for firmware update
  • The range of the frequency that I can set with a slider is 0.01Hz-100. But the range is enlarged to -500Hz for 53 minutes when I use Freq CV.


The explanation of all parts is displayed in mouse over  

The details of each mode are as follows.
  • FREE:The mode which four LFO becomes independent, and is changed speed into continually. Slider and CV control speed.
  • QUADRATURE:I output four LFO of the same speed that was out of phase 90 degrees from each channel. ) that (CH1 where CH1 controls speed of LFO in slider and CV, and CH2 - 4 controls size of LFO of each channel cannot control the size. The equal phase gap can be realized with the PHASE mode, but a role of CV is different from a slider.
  • PHASE:I output LFO of the same speed from each channel. In slider and CV, CH1 controls speed of LFO, and CH2 - 4 controls a difference of) in the timing of the phase (LFO start for LFO of CH1.
  • DIVIDE:As for LFO2 - 4, LFO of the speed that performed a clock divide of LFO1 is output. The number of partitions is 2,3,4,8,16,32 (I list it in a face plate). In slider and CV, CH1 controls speed of LFO, and CH2 - 4 controls number of partitions for CH1. It becomes LFO and clock dividers if I put a clock for synchronization in SYNC input of CH1. In Zoom of the DIVIDE mode, 0-3 makes up for clock number of partitions and goes down and is done.

Example of the wave pattern of each channel every mode

A simple wave pattern is output in Batumi, but is the following methodLFO of a complicated wave patternI can produce も.
  • I make PHASE mode and can transform a wave pattern without changing the speed by spending modulation on phase of LFO oneself of LFO interval or the simple substance. (an attenuator is necessary, but I prepare separately or install EXPERT FIRMWARE, and, please access CV attenuator function)
  • I can elaborate a signal more by putting plural outside utility modules together. There are innumerable available modules, but logic and offset, attenuator, sample & hold, comparator, mixer or VCA are convenient.
I am useful that the complicated wave pattern uses it as sequence CV by making sample & hold not to mention modulation and brings about a generation-like patch in combination with the random voltage. Batumi is most suitable as a collection of LFO becoming the starting point of such a patch.

Firmware Update

※Please update the purchase by the following method before February, 2016.

With USB(mini-B) Jack on the base, firmware update is possible. Please update it in the following procedures. ※Please prepare the USB cables in own.
  • Page of XAOC DeviceI download から firmware.
  • I avoid Batumi from a euro rack power supply in the state that switched it off. Please do not yet place the USB cable.
  • I lower all four sliders to the bottom.
  • Only at the time of update, please turn on the "UPDATE" jacket of the base back (the jacket may misappropriate a thing using in SYNC temporarily).
  • I start Xaoc Firmware Update Tool Win.exe(Win) or XAOC Firmware Update Tool(Mac) from the Zip file which I download it and defrosted and push it forward according to instructions. It is directed to place a USB cable in Batumi on the way.
  • If update is over, I take a jacket off the UPDATE position, and, please go back up, if necessary, at the original position.

Expert Firmware!

There is "Expert Firmware" which expanded a function and convenience more in Batumi, but it is necessary to install it because it is not equipped by default. Of XAOC DevicesGithub page of BatumiI download から, "ALT FIRMWARE", and, please install it according to the step mentioned above.

All the main functions are left in EXPERT FIRMWARE, but it is thought when there are usually more bugs and is included. When use has a problem, I download "Factory Firmware" from the page, and, please go back up.

The additional functions are as follows. Because an exclusive manual is included in a Zip file of the firmware, look at that.
  • The random wave output: I come to output a random wave from the SAW output by push for MODE button two seconds. The wave pattern of the random wave performs a type of the random and the change of the step / mousse with a jacket.
  • QUAD mode: From each output, the wave pattern which mixed) which is out of LFO( phase more right than it by 90 degrees in slider, CV comes to be output. The former QUAD mode becomes equal when I nominate a slider on the first with PHASE mode
  • Substantial ZOOM mode: In the ZOOM page, I set the following parameters about the channel of the slider which I touched last (all modes are common). I push the MODE button for 0.5 seconds and enter the ZOOM page, and, please coordinate each parameter with a slider.
    • Fine adjustment (CH1 slider) of the parameter level to control in slider and CV
    • Level (CH2 slider) of SINE and the SAW output. I can set clock division with the QUAD mode
    • Attenuator level (CH3 slider) of main parameter CV
    • Phase (CH4 slider) of output LFO. I can set clock division with the PHASE mode