Intellijel Designs 4U Palette Case 62HP Silver
¥54,900 (税抜 ¥49,909)省スペースでポータブル、機能的なデスクトップモジュラーケース※こちらの1U部分には、SynthrotekやPulp Logic製の1U "TILE"フォーマットのモジュールはインストールできません。Intellijelの提唱する1Uフォーマットのモジュールのみご使用ください。Intellijelの1Uフォーマットのサイズ仕様についてはこちらをご覧くださ...
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Intellijel Designs 4U Palette Case 62HP Silver [USED:W0]
¥44,900 (税抜 ¥40,818)省スペースでポータブル、機能的なデスクトップモジュラーケースMUSICAL FEATURES 4U Paletteケースは省スペースでポータブル、機能的なデスクトップ用モジュラーケースです。小型のラップトップのような大きさなので、あなたのデスク、バックパックなどにもよく収まります。Intellijelならではの1UスペースとI/Oポートを上部に搭載して...
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Intellijel Designs Gig Bag For Performance Case 7U for 104HP
¥25,900 (税抜 ¥23,545)Intellijelケース専用ギグバッグMUSICAL FEATURES This is a sturdy, cushioned Gig Bag for Intellijel Performance Case. Various peripheral devices can be stored in the outer pocket...
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Intellijel Designs Gig Bag For Performance Case 7U 84HP
¥23,900 (税抜 ¥21,727)Intellijelケース専用ギグバッグMUSICAL FEATURES A durable, highly cushioned Gig Bag for the Intellijel Performance Case. Various peripheral devices can be stored in the outer poc...
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Intellijel Designs Atlantis
Out of Stockパッチングなしでも通常のシンセとして使える、SH-101 型+αな本格的なシンセサイザーモジュール!!MUSICAL FEATURES Atlantis is big in sound and structure of Roland SH-101 and is the synthesizer module of the in spy shop full-scale all-in-one typ...
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Intellijel Designs Audio Interface II
Out of Stockバランス接続も可能な高音質のステレオインプット/アウトプットモジュール! レベルの調整や最終アウトプットに最適です。MUSICAL FEATURES Audio Interface II is a high quality stereo input / output module. It is possible to boost the level so that the output of synths,...
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Intellijel Designs Bifold
¥42,900 (税抜 ¥39,000)2種類のスタイルで構成されたデュアル・ウェーブフォルダー。柔軟なルーティングとフィードバックにより多彩なキャラクターを生成可能MUSICAL FEATURES Bifoldは、Buchlaスタイルの並列「deadband」フォールディング回路(Pチャンネル)と、モデファイを施したSergeタイプの直列フォールディング回路(Sチャンネル)の2チャンネルから成るデュアルチャンネル・ウェーブフォルダーです。 2種類のユ...
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Intellijel Designs Boombox
Out of Stockあると楽しいスピーカーモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES It is a speaker module that can be used when you want to make a sound easily. It can also be used for feedback experiments to re-...
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Intellijel Designs Buff Mult
¥11,900 (税抜 ¥10,818)バファードマルチプルの定番MUSICAL FEATURES 2HP compact 2X3 output multiple. Because it is a bafared type, the stability is high in high accuracy. It is also ideal for multip...
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Intellijel Designs Buff Mult 1U
¥7,900 (税抜 ¥7,182)1UのバファードマルチプルIntellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format smade by Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Install it in intellijel 4U, 7U case, etc. Fo...
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Intellijel Designs Digiverb 1U
¥32,900 (税抜 ¥29,909)MIDI 1Uに8つのアサイン可能なCV出力を追加するエキスパンダー。ポリフォニックMIDIコントロールやドラムモード、マルチチャンネルCC/CV変換をサポートThe 1 U module of Intellijel is not compatible with the 1 U "TILE" format made in Synthrotek and Pulp Logic. I install it in 4 U of Intellijel, a 7...
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Intellijel Designs Cylonix Shapeshifter
Original price ¥95,900SALECurrent price ¥84,900 (税抜 ¥77,182)TZFM/コード/パーカッション/エコー/ボコーダーまで、圧倒的な本格的シンセサイズオプションを誇るコンプレックスデジタルオシレーター!MUSICAL FEATURES * Except for the parts that have been changed, the following description is for firmware version 1s. There were many additional fe...
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Intellijel Designs Digiverb 1U
¥12,900 (税抜 ¥11,727)1UのシンプルなローファイリバーブThe 1 U module of Intellijel is not compatible with the 1 U "TILE" format made in Synthrotek and Pulp Logic. I install it in 4 U of Intellijel, a 7...
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Intellijel Designs Dixie II
Out of Stockピッチやサイン波の精度が高いコンパクトなトライアングルコアオシレーターの定番MUSICAL FEATURES Dixie II is a module that packs the basic functions of an analog oscillator into a compact 6HP body. Like many Intellijel analog...
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Intellijel Designs Dixie II+
¥41,900 (税抜 ¥38,091)オクターブスイッチやサブオシレータ-、2つのシンクを搭載したDixie IIの機能強化バージョンMUSICAL FEATURES Dixie II+ is a different version of Dixie II that has been added a little larger and more functional. The sound is the same, but i...
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Intellijel Designs Dual ADSR
Out of StockSH-101をもとにしたスナッピーなADSRエンベロープ!ベースやリードにも最適です。MUSICAL FEATURES Dual ADSR is ADSR envelope generator of dual designed based on the characteristic of the envelope of SH-101. I reproduce the envel...
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Intellijel Designs Dual VCA 1U
¥18,400 (税抜 ¥16,727)コンパクトでステレオ処理にも向いたVCAMUSICAL FEATURES Compact 2-channel VCA module. The characteristics are linear and DC coupled. The signal and CV inputs are internally wired so t...
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Intellijel Designs Duatt
¥12,900 (税抜 ¥11,727)オフセット出力やミックス機能もついたアッテネータ・アッテインバータ。1UサイズIntellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format from Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Please install and use it in Intellijel 4U, 7U ca...
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Intellijel Designs FSR 1U
¥12,900 (税抜 ¥11,727)圧力をCVに変換して出力する便利モジュールMUSICAL FEATURES The FSR 1U is a pressure CV output module using custom-made sensing resistors. In addition to the CV output according to the press...
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Intellijel Designs Qx
¥11,900 (税抜 ¥10,818)Metropolixに8つのゲート/トリガー出力を追加するエキスパンダーMUSICAL FEATURES Qx is a Quadrax expander module. It has the gate output of End of Rise and End of Fall. During AD envelope, EoR goes high until R...
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Intellijel Designs Hub
¥2,000 (税抜 ¥1,818)モジュールスペースをとらない便利な4CHパッシブマルチプルHub is a four-channel passive multiple. It is not an Intellijel logo, but a robot mark design.
Intellijel Designs Jellysquasher
Out of Stockサウンドに色付け可能なアナログコンプレッサーモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES An analog compressor module that can warmly color sound in a variety of ways. Signal path is 100% analog with sidechain input Pea...
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Intellijel Designs Joiner for 7U Performance Case
¥7,900 (税抜 ¥7,182)7Uケース用ジョイント* There may be scratches associated with manufacturing. Please note on your purchase. MUSICAL FEATURES Two7U Performance CaseThis is a joint part f...
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Intellijel Designs Gig Bag For Performance Case 7U 84HP
from ¥10,900 (税抜 ¥9,909)パッチしたままセットできるPalette Case用保護カバーMUSICAL FEATURES A durable, highly cushioned Gig Bag for the Intellijel Performance Case. Various peripheral devices can be stored in the outer poc...
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Intellijel Designs Line In 1U
¥7,900 (税抜 ¥7,182)Intellijel 1Uフォーマットのラインレベル入力、ユーロラック・レベルシフター。MUSICAL FEATURES Line In 1Uは、ハードウェアシンセサイザーやドラムマシン等、ラインレベルの外部機器をユーロラックレベルに最適化するためのコンパクトで簡単な解決法です。お手持ちのデスクトップギアやラックマウントタイプのエフェクト・ユニット、DAWからの出力等、バラン...
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Intellijel Designs Line Out 1U
¥6,900 (税抜 ¥6,273)シンプルで品質の高いラインレベル出力1UモジュールIntellijel's 1U module is not compatible with the 1U "TILE" format smade by Synthrotek or Pulp Logic. Install it in intellijel 4U, 7U case, etc. Fo...
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Out of Stock最終アウトプットからCVのシグナル処理にまで使用できる、6チャンネルのフレキシブルなVCAミキサージャック&ノブズ バイアスノブ It is a knob for opening the VCA in a manual: turning the leftmost when there is no CV input will result in a signal from the VCA...
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Intellijel Designs Metropolis
¥109,900 (税抜 ¥99,909)モジュレーションを活用し、たった8ステップから超多様な音楽的バリエーションを生み出す2トラックCVゲートシーケンサー!MUSICAL FEATURES Except for the changes, the following explanation is for firmware version 1.1s. There were many additional features in the firmwa...
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Intellijel Designs Digiverb 1U
¥35,900 (税抜 ¥32,636)アプリでの設定も可能。CVxの併用でポリフォニックやドラムモードも実現するユーロラックのためのMIDIソリューションThe 1 U module of Intellijel is not compatible with the 1 U "TILE" format made in Synthrotek and Pulp Logic. I install it in 4 U of Intellijel, a 7...
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Intellijel designs mixup
¥15,900 (税抜 ¥14,455)ミュートスイッチつき、チェーンも可能なステレオミキサーMusic features Mixup is a compact muted mixer with stereo input and output. The front panel has audio input below. Input 1 and 2 have gain adjus...
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Intellijel Designs Morgasmatron
¥68,900 (税抜 ¥62,636)Korgasmatronの進化形となるマルチモードデュアルフィルターMUSICAL FEATURES Morgasmatron is a dual filter module with two 6-mode multimode filters. The base of the filter is based on the MS-20, but it has i...
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Intellijel Designs Mult
¥5,900 (税抜 ¥5,364)パッシブマルチプル×2です。MUSICAL FEATURES Passive multiple x 2.
Intellijel marks
¥4,900 (税抜 ¥4,455)1UのパッシブマルチプルThe 1U module of intellijel is not compatible with the synonytek and 1p "scale" format made by pulp logic. Install in 4U, 7U case of intellijel. Si...
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Intellijel Designs Multi-FX 1U
Original price ¥22,900SALECurrent price ¥19,900 (税抜 ¥18,091)同期可能なディレイ、暖かいコーラス、プレートリバーブを切り替えられるエフェクトモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES Multi-FX is a mono-stereo I / O effect module with well-tuned switchable delay chorus reverb effects. The mode of the effect i...
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Intellijel Designs Multi-FX 1U
¥17,900 (税抜 ¥16,273)同期可能なディレイ、暖かいコーラス、プレートリバーブを切り替えられるエフェクトモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES Multi-FX is a mono-stereo I / O effect module with well-tuned switchable delay chorus reverb effects. The mode of the effect i...
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Intellijel Designs Mutamix
Out of Stock6入力3出力、視認性の高いスライダーを使用した高機能CV/オーディオミキサー。ミュートやシーケンス機能もつきます。MUSICAL FEATURES * There may be design changes such as the button color being black. Mutamix is a 3 bus output, 6 channel CV / audio mixer wi...
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