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Make Noise DPO

¥109,900 (税抜 ¥99,909)
様々なシェーピング・FM手法を組み合わせて多様で複雑な波形を生み出せるMake Noiseの西海岸コンプレックスオシレーター

Format: Eurorack
Width: 28HP
Depth: 30mm
Current: 70mA@+12V, 70mA@-12V

Manual PDF (English)

日本語マニュアル PDF


Japanese manualThere is a

The DPO is a dual-full analog oscillator with a large amount of built-in synthesis functions such as FM and waveshaping.While receiving a big influence from such as Buchla259, monster oscillator that also acquired new character in such as the behavior of the core and the like crazy!

For FM, VCO A and VCO B have FM inputs with different scales, EXP/LIN, which can be patched here, and if not, VCO A will have FM with VCO B, VCO B will have FM with VCO B.Its strength is controlled by the White attenuator knob of each VCO, and the FM Bus Control controls the"master"strength of the FM, which is multiplied by the oscillators, and the CV control can also be performed.The clever FM routing, which is pre-wired in this way, allows you to make complex FM sounds instantly, and evenFollow or Lock modeIt also features controls that allow you to further refine your FM sound.

Waveshaper and Mod Bus
DPOs are VCO A and VCO B, and wave shaping, such as Shape, Angle, and Fold, is done for VCO B.Also, these shaping methods are internally wired so that mod BUS modulation is applied when not patching each CV input.Mod BUS provides modulation as a sine wave for VCO A if it is not patched to the EXT SRC input.
    Mouse over to see a description of each part


    • More detailed explanation.It is also interesting to gate the sound by entering the trigger pulse from about 16 minutes to STRIKE input.

      MakeNoise DPO from James Cigler on Vimeo.
