FH-2It is a gate expander. Add 8 gate outputs to the FH-2 per FHX-8GT. The FHX-8GT can be daisy chained up to four, one for each FHX-8GT,
ESX-8GTcan be extended. Connect ing the largest FHX-8GT and ESX-8GT by four adds 64 gate outputs. In addition, up to seven FHX-1 scan can be added regardless of these gate connections.
Connect the FHX-8GT with the 10-pin ribbon cable that came with the FH-2 from the EXPANSION IN. In addition, if you connect the FHX-8GT's expansion OUT to the next FHX-8GT, it will be a daisy chain. Connect the ribbon cable so that the red line is always below. You can connect to the ESX-8GT from the header of the GT3 To ESX-8GT on each FHX-8GT board.
The gate output number assigned to the connected FHX-8GT and ESX-8GT is determined by the 2nd and 3rd jumper ON/OFF settings of the FHX-8GT on the board of the GT4 Select. If you are connecting multiple FHX-8GT, set this jumper array to be different from each other. The ESX-8GT is assigned in series with the parent FHX-8GT.