4ms Pod60 (Powered)
Original price ¥33,900SALECurrent price ¥29,900 (税抜 ¥27,182)チェーンも可能、コンパクトな薄型電源つきケースFEATURES Pods is a case series for using Eurorack modules as compact, portable and desktop units. This version with power supply,Barrel cableCan be...
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4ms Pod64X (Powered)
¥36,900 (税抜 ¥33,545)チェーンも可能、コンパクトな薄型電源つきケース。64HPx52mmバージョンMUSICAL FEATURES Pods is a case series for using Eurorack modules as compact, portable and desktop units. This version with power supply,Barrel cab...
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4ms Quad Clock Distributor (QCD)
¥41,900 (税抜 ¥38,091)CV可能な4チャンネルクロックディバイダー/マルチプライヤーMUSICAL FEATURES Control the number of divisions and multiples of the clock with CV4 channel clock divider / multiplier / generator If you use a C...
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4ms Quad Clock Distributer Expander (QCDEXP)
¥33,900 (税抜 ¥30,818)QCDをグルーブマシンに変身させるキラーエキスパンダー!MUSICAL FEATURES Quad Clock Distributor (QCD)This is an expander connected with the attached 16pin ribbon cable. The following functions are add...
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4ms RCD Breakout (RCDBO)
¥16,900 (税抜 ¥15,364)Rotating Clock DeviderのエキスパンダーMUSICAL FEATURES Rotating Clock DividerThis is a breakout module that allows you to switch the (RCD) jumper settings from the panel. The rear pin ...
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4ms Rotating Clock Divider (RCD)
¥29,900 (税抜 ¥27,182)4HPの定番かつ実験的なクロックディバイダー!MUSICAL FEATURES Compact clock divider Rotating Clock Divider (RCD) with unique split CV control. Divides the input clocks at various ratios and o...
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4ms Row Power 25
¥17,900 (税抜 ¥16,273)4msのスマートなパワーサプライ!25Wバージョンです。MUSICAL FEATURES 4ms power supply module. Pull the power from the AC adapter andBus StickAndFlying Bus CableTo distribute to the module. Use an AC...
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4ms Row Power 35
¥24,900 (税抜 ¥22,636)4msのスマートなパワーサプライ!35Wバージョンです。MUSICAL FEATURES 4ms power supply module. Pull the power from the AC adapter andBus StickAndFlying Bus CableTo distribute to the module. Use an AC ...
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4ms Row Power 45
¥28,900 (税抜 ¥26,273)4msのスマートなパワーサプライ!45Wバージョンです。MUSICAL FEATURES 4msのパワーサプライモジュールです。ACアダプターから電力を引き込み、別売りのBus StickやFlying Bus Cableを2つまで接続してモジュールに分配可能です。ACアダプターは2.1mmセンタープラス/15VDC-20VDCのものを使用してくだ...
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4ms SCM Breakout (SCMBO)
Out of StockSCMに各種電圧コントロールを与えるブレークアウトモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES ブ レ ー ク Breakout module to provide various voltage control to SCM
4ms shifting inversion signal Mingler (sism)
¥29,900 (税抜 ¥27,182)スケールやシフト、SLICE出力やクリッピングまで可能な4CHシグナル加工ツール。Music features Sism is a signal processor module that has four channels of magnitude and shift (offset) for CV or audio signals. Each channel oper...
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4ms Spectral Multiband Resonator (SMR)
¥79,900 (税抜 ¥72,636)マジカルな柔軟性を持った6チャンネルのレゾナントフィルターMUSICAL FEATURES * The current latest firmware is v5. Please update the following modules before March 2017. The following description is for v4. M...
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4ms Spectral Multiband Resonator (SMR)
Out of Stockマジカルな柔軟性を持った6チャンネルのレゾナントフィルターMUSICAL FEATURES * The current latest firmware is v5. Please update the following modules before March 2017. The following description is for v4. M...
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4ms Spherical Wavetable Navigator (SWN)
¥99,900 (税抜 ¥90,818)録音した素材もウェーブテーブルにできる、多機能で操作性の高い6ポリオシレーター/シンセボイスモジュール!MUSICAL FEATURES Spherical Wavetable Navigator (SWN) is a 6-channel polyphoonic synthesizer voice that makes it easy to create polyphonic melodies...
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4ms Stereo Triggered Sampler (STS)
¥74,900 (税抜 ¥68,091)大容量高音質、直感的なコントロールや本体でのエディットも可能な2CHサンプルプレイヤー&レコーダー。MUSICAL FEATURES 4ms Stereo Triggered Sampler (STS) is sample recorder / playback module of the high-quality sound. A different stereo file can rec...
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4ms Tapographic Delay (TAPO)
¥69,900 (税抜 ¥63,545)モーフィングやベロシティなどのユニークな機能を多数搭載した32タップディレイMUSICAL FEATURES The 4ms Tapographic Delay is a multi-tap delay with a unique interface and functionality. A tap is one delay unit that makes up a ...
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4ms VCA Matrix (VCAM)
¥63,900 (税抜 ¥58,091)ミュートも可能、フィードバックパッチにも使える4IN 4OUTの直感的なCV/オーディオ兼用VCAミキサーMUSICAL FEATURES VCA Matrix (VCAM) is a mixer module that can mix both audio and control signals with 4 IN 4 OUT. You can freely mix and split the ...
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4ms WAV Recorder
¥44,900 (税抜 ¥40,818)高音質長時間の録音も可能なオーディオレコーダーモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES Record high resolution low noise stereo wav file on micro SD card Recording frequency 96kHz, 48kHz, 44.1kHz, bit depth 24-bit o...
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Ad Infinitum 3.5mm (1/8'') to 1/4'' Mono Cable
Out of Stockモジュラーのアウトプット等に便利な3.5mm⇔1/4インチモノケーブルIt is a conversion mono cable of 3.5mm to 1/4 inch.
Ad Infinitum Patch Cable
Out of Stock定番のAd Infinitumパッチケーブル。1本単位での販売ですMUSICAL FEATURES A classic shielded patch cable. It is sold in units of one.
ALM Busy Akemie's Castle
¥99,900 (税抜 ¥90,818)YAMAHAのICチップを電圧コントロール可能にした4オペレーターデジタルFMオシレーター!5音までのコードも可能です。MUSICAL FEATURES ※please note Due to the nature of the original chip, clicking sounds may be mixed when moving the operator's level knob. Even if t...
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ALM Busy Akemie's Taiko
¥56,900 (税抜 ¥51,727)オリジナルのYamaha ICチップを使用したFMドラムモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES Akemie's TaikoAkemie's CastleSimilarly, this module uses the original Yamaha IC chip. This is a drum synth voice module. It has 1...
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ALM Busy Beast's Chalkboard
¥22,900 (税抜 ¥20,818)オクターブ調整やFMに役立つボルテージアッダー!MUSICAL FEATURES Beast's Chalkboard is a two-channel high-precision voltage adder. Each channel outputs from two outputs by adding the voltage va...
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ALM Busy Boss Bow Two
¥32,900 (税抜 ¥29,909)様々な電圧コントロールが可能な双方向1:8シーケンシャルスイッチMUSICAL FEATURES Boss Bow TwoはBoss Bow Tieの後継となる電圧コントロール可能なスイッチモジュールです。8つの経路を持った双方向スイッチで1入力→最大8出力の切り替え、または最大8入力→1出力の切り替えを行います。オーディオとCVどちらの処理も可能で、スイ...
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ALM Busy Dinky's Taiko
Out of Stock電圧コントロール可能、アナログEQ付きの12bitデジタルドラムモジュール!!MUSICAL FEATURES Dinky's Taiko is a 12-bit digital drum voice module with fully voltage controlled analog EQ. The module consists of three sections...
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ALM busy HPO
¥13,900 (税抜 ¥12,636)2HPのシンプルなヘッドホン出力モジュールMusic features HPO is only 2 HP headphone output module. Patch only if l channel.
ALM Busy Pip Slope
Original price ¥48,900SALECurrent price ¥42,900 (税抜 ¥39,000)直感的なパッチングからユニークなステレオイメージを生み出す高品質、省スペース設計のステレオ・スペクトルミキサーMUSICAL FEATURES Pip Slope is a compact 4HP envelope generator that can produce Attack / Decay (using Trig input) or Attack / Sustain / Release (u...
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ALM Busy Dinky's Taiko
¥47,900 (税抜 ¥43,545)直列/並列処理を可能にする2つの機能スイッチを搭載するデュアル・アナログフィルターMUSICAL FEATURES Dinky's Taiko is a 12-bit digital drum voice module with fully voltage controlled analog EQ. The module consists of three sections...
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Out of Stock太いデジタルサウンドが特徴のコンパクトなウェーブテーブルオシレーターMUSICAL FEATURES MCO is a compact digital oscillator of 6HP. I have the wave pattern output of following three. The wavetable output that morphin...
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ALM Busy Mum M8
¥39,900 (税抜 ¥36,273)AKAI S950からインスパイアされたクリーミーでファットなVCAつきローパスフィルター!MUSICAL FEATURES The Mum M8 is a low-pass filter with VCA featuring a unique and fat sound, which is based on the filter installed in the sampler ...
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ALM Busy O/A/x2
Original price ¥17,900SALECurrent price ¥15,900 (税抜 ¥14,455)2チャンネルのアッテヌバーターとオフセットユーティリティ。LEDつきでシグナルが分かりやすいです。MUSICAL FEATURES O/A/x2 is a two-channel utility that allows you to flip and attenuate input signals and add offset voltages from -8V to 8V. It is...
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ALM Busy Pamela's New Workout
Out of Stock着実な進化を遂げた超多機能な8チャンネルクロック・LFOMUSICAL FEATURES Pamela's New Work Out is an updated version of Pamela's Work Out, a high-functioning clock module.The traditional operational natu...
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ALM Busy PE-1
¥17,900 (税抜 ¥16,273)2バンドパラメトリックEQ!MUSICAL FEATURES The PE-1 is a dual-band parametric EQ module. Each band determines the center band and cuts or boosts with the gain knob around i...
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ALM Busy Pexp-1
Out of Stock固定クロックとMIDI、DIN Sync出力を備えたPamela's New WorkoutのエキスパンダーMUSICAL FEATURES Provides Din Sync (Sync24), MIDI output, fixed clock outputPamela's New WorkoutIs an expander. Not available for older versions. ...
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ALM Busy Pexp-2
Out of Stock3.5mmのMIDIやDIN Syncシグナルを出力するPamela's New WorkoutのエキスパンダーMUSICAL FEATURES Provides 24x clock, Run signal, and MID clock output via 3.5mm cablePamela's New WorkoutIs an expander. Not available for older v...
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