Tiptop Audio CB808
¥16,900 (税抜 ¥15,364)ピッチモジュレーション可能な、808拡張アナログカウベルジェネレーターMUSICAL FEATURES CB808 is a cowbell generator using a clone of the Roland TR-808 circuit. In addition to the circuit configuration that faithfull...
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Tiptop Audio Circadian Rhythms
¥81,900 (税抜 ¥74,455)本格的な曲全体のリズム構築ができる8トラック、最大512ステップのトリガー/ゲートシーケンサー!MUSICAL FEATURES Circadian Rhythms (CR) is an 8-channel trigger/gate sequencer that allows you to step through a high-quality rhythm in a modular....
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Tiptop Audio CP909
¥21,900 (税抜 ¥19,909)909クラップジェネレータ!"Trash"コントロール付き。MUSICAL FEATURES CP909 is a crap generator that uses a clone of the Roland TR-909 circuit. In addition to the original 909 Clap circuit designTras...
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TipTop Audio Dual Mantis Studio Brackets
¥7,900 (税抜 ¥7,182)Mantis連結用ブラケットMUSICAL FEATURES It is a bracket that can connect two Tiptop Audio Mantis cases.
Tiptop Audio EchoZ (White)
¥35,900 (税抜 ¥32,636)24アルゴリズムを格納した、高いサウンドクオリティのディレイエフェクトモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES EchoZ is a Tiptop specialized module that specializes in Dillay.There are 24 algorithms from the tape echo emulation to the ini...
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Tiptop Audio EchoZ (White)
¥26,900 (税抜 ¥24,455)24アルゴリズムを格納した、高いサウンドクオリティのディレイエフェクトモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES EchoZ is a Tiptop specialized module that specializes in Dillay.There are 24 algorithms from the tape echo emulation to the ini...
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Tiptop Audio EchoZ (White)
¥26,900 (税抜 ¥24,455)24アルゴリズムを格納した、高いサウンドクオリティのディレイエフェクトモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES EchoZ is a Tiptop specialized module that specializes in Dillay.There are 24 algorithms from the tape echo emulation to the ini...
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Tiptop Audio Fold Processor
¥25,900 (税抜 ¥23,545)電圧コントロール可能なウェーブフォルダーMUSICAL FEATURES Fold Processor is a signal processor that can increase the overtones by bending the input signal and changing the waveform. In a...
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Tiptop Audio Forbidden Planet
¥21,900 (税抜 ¥19,909)Steiner-Parker SynthaconタイプのマルチモードフィルターMUSICAL FEATURES Forbidden Planet is a multimode filter modeled on Steiner-Parker Synthacon. It has low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass outputs, and...
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Tiptop Audio TG One
¥35,900 (税抜 ¥32,636)ディストーション、ピッチシフト、グラニュラー処理等をこなすコンパクトなマルチエフェクターMUSICAL FEATURES TG-ONE celebrates the 40th anniversary of throbbing Gristle's second annual reportOneIt is a special model. TG-ONE includes two c...
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Tiptop Audio HATS808
¥28,900 (税抜 ¥26,273)ユニークな拡張がされた808ハイハット!MUSICAL FEATURES The HATS808 is a high-hat generator that uses a clone of the Roland TR-808 circuit.Both Open and Closed hihts can be set indepe...
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Tiptop Audio HATS808
¥18,900 (税抜 ¥17,182)ユニークな拡張がされた808ハイハット!MUSICAL FEATURES The HATS808 is a high-hat generator that uses a clone of the Roland TR-808 circuit.Both Open and Closed hihts can be set indepe...
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Tiptop Audio HATS909
¥32,900 (税抜 ¥29,909)909ハイハット!MUSICAL FEATURES HATS909 is an open / closed hi-hat generator using a clone of the Roland TR-909 circuit. The lo-fi 6-bit samples are passed throu...
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Tiptop Audio MA808
¥16,900 (税抜 ¥15,364)アタック調整可能・ノイズジェネレーターもついた808拡張アナログマラカスジェネレーターMUSICAL FEATURES The MA808 is a maracas generator using a clone of the Roland TR-808 circuit. In addition to the circuit configuration that faith...
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Tiptop Audio Mantis Green
¥60,900 (税抜 ¥55,364)ローコストハイクオリティな208HP電源付き定番ケース※The product of this place has a slip and a small wound with the production process. MUSICAL FEATURES Mantis is a powered Eurorack case consisting ...
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Tiptop Audio Mantis Travel Bag
¥12,900 (税抜 ¥11,727)Mantis用トラベルバッグMUSICAL FEATURES A travel bag that can store and carry Mantis. You can carry it in two directions, or carry it like a backpack. There is a pocket ...
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Tiptop Audio MIX7
¥16,900 (税抜 ¥15,364)3HPの7CHアナログサミングミキサーMUSICAL FEATURES MIX7 is a 7-channel analog summing mixer with 3HP. It can also be used for mixing CVs using low-noise op amps. In order to earn t...
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Tiptop Audio MIXZ
¥19,900 (税抜 ¥18,091)8イン2アウト、更にバスケーブルを使ったミックスも可能なローノイズミキサー!MUSICAL FEATURES MIXZ is a clean and linear mixer module that uses MIXER A, which has knobs for each channel with 4 inputs, and MIXER B, which has...
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Tiptop Audio TG One
¥35,900 (税抜 ¥32,636)コーラス、フランジャー、フィルター等のモジュレーション系マルチエフェクターMUSICAL FEATURES TG-ONE celebrates the 40th anniversary of throbbing Gristle's second annual reportOneIt is a special model. TG-ONE includes two c...
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Tiptop Audio One
Out of Stock低レイテンシーで高音質な使いやすいサンプルプレイヤーMUSICAL FEATURES ONE is a sample playback module with low latency and high sound quality. At the time of purchase, a micro SD card "VCTRS" contai...
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Tiptop Audio Quantizer
Out of Stock充実の機能とパフォーマンス性で多彩なシーケンスを作り出すクォンタイザーMUSICAL FEATURES Quantizer is a quota that is a compact size for performance and a number of features. High-precision AD converter with input rang...
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Tiptop Audio RS808
Out of StockRimshot/Clavesの切り替えやミックスが可能な808拡張アナログドラム音源MUSICAL FEATURES RS808 is a rim shot generator using a clone of the Roland TR-808 circuit. In addition to the circuit configuration that faithfull...
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Tiptop Audio RS909
¥16,900 (税抜 ¥15,364)909リムショットのユーロラッククローン!MUSICAL FEATURES THE RS909 IS A RIM SHOT GENERATOR USING A CLONE OF THE ROLAND TR-909 CIRCUIT. In addition to reproducing the original as faithf...
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Tiptop Audio SD808
¥22,900 (税抜 ¥20,818)808スネアのユーロラッククローン!MUSICAL FEATURES SD808 is a snare drum generator that uses a clone of the Roland TR-808 circuit. You can control Tone, Snappy, Level, and accent....
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Tiptop Audio SD808
¥15,900 (税抜 ¥14,455)808スネアのユーロラッククローン!MUSICAL FEATURES SD808 is a snare drum generator that uses a clone of the Roland TR-808 circuit. You can control Tone, Snappy, Level, and accent....
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Tiptop Audio SD909
¥32,900 (税抜 ¥29,909)拡張された909スネアモジュールMUSICAL FEATURES The SD909 is a drum module that reproduces the snare and noise circuit of the TR-909 as faithfully as possible and has addition...
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TipTop Audio Stackcable
from ¥1,090 (税抜 ¥991)シグナルを分岐できるパッチケーブル!1本単位での販売ですMUSICAL FEATURESIt is a cable that can branch signals by stacking cables behind the jack.
Tiptop Audio TG One
Out of StockONEのThrobbing Gristleとのコラボモデル。TGのサンプルカード2枚と独自アルゴリズムつきMUSICAL FEATURES TG-ONE celebrates the 40th anniversary of throbbing Gristle's second annual reportOneIt is a special model. TG-ONE includes two c...
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Tiptop Audio Trigger Riot
¥73,900 (税抜 ¥67,182)Tiptopの斬新なトリガーシーケンサー!MUSICAL FEATURES Trigger Riot is a groundbreaking gate sequencer/clock divider/clock generator module that allows for the creation of eight seque...
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Tiptop Audio VCA
Out of Stockオフセットやレスポンス可変機能のついたVCAMUSICAL FEATURES It is a VCA module with perfect control. The overall volume level, offset (gain when CV is 0V), CV attenuator, and cv response ca...
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Tiptop Audio HATS808
¥7,400 (税抜 ¥6,727)DAWの入出力のグループ化やケース間の信号の管理に便利なパッチベイ・モジュールMUSICAL FEATURES The HATS808 is a high-hat generator that uses a clone of the Roland TR-808 circuit.Both Open and Closed hihts can be set indepe...
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Tiptop Audio Z-DSP 2018
¥73,900 (税抜 ¥67,182)DSPカードで様々なプログラムをロードして使える、高品質なステレオエフェクトMUSICAL FEATURES Z-DSP is a program platform that can process and produce audio using DSP programs. Module containsHall of Valhalla and Dragonfly D...
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Tiptop Audio Z-DSP Card Bat Filter
¥8,900 (税抜 ¥8,091)Z-DSPにロードして使うことができるフィルターエフェクトを搭載したDSPカード!MUSICAL FEATURES Z-DSPThis is a DSP card equipped with a filter effect that can be loaded and used. DSP DSP card with 8 digital filter algorith...
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Tiptop Audio Z-DSP Card Chorus
¥7,800 (税抜 ¥7,091)Z-DSPにロードして使うことができるコーラスエフェクトを搭載したDSPカード!MUSICAL FEATURES Z-DSPThis is a DSP card with a colour Effects that can be loaded and used in a load. The eight presets are as follows: Dual C...
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Tiptop Audio Z-DSP Card Clocked Delays
¥7,800 (税抜 ¥7,091)Z-DSP用クロックディレイエフェクトカードMUSICAL FEATURES Z-DSPClock Dilly DSP card.A Z-DSP is required to use. For any algorithm, the machine lock for synchronization must be entered a...
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Tiptop Audio Z-DSP Card Grain de Folie
¥10,400 (税抜 ¥9,455)Z-DSP用グラニュラープロセッサーカードMUSICAL FEATURES Z-DSPDSP card for granular process for You will need a Z-DSP to use. Grain de Folie uses 3,4 or 6 grains (small chunks of record...
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