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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Random * Source Serge Divide By N Comparator (÷ NCOM)

¥44,900 (税抜 ¥40,818)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 10HP
Depth: 40mm
Current: 20mA@+12V, 18mA@-12V, 0mA@+5V

Serge本来の信号電圧レンジを守るため、Random*Source Sergeで取り扱う信号は標準的なユーロラックモジュールより小さく、Peak to Peakで5Vとなります。ラインレベル程小さくはありませんが、他社製品と使用する場合は必要に応じてシグナルのブースターやアッテネータを通してください。



Serge NCOM is a utility module that processes and processes one or two inputs by combining a comparator (right) and a clock divider (left).

 The comparator is a function that outputs a gate ON when the + input (passing the attenuator and the offset of -5V to 5V) exceeds the-input.  In the clock divider section, the output of the comparator is used as input, and the number of dividers is set from 1 to 31 to divide. The number of divides can be voltage controlled (with attenuator). Step Out is an output in which the output voltage increases by 1.67V (1V / Oct corresponds to the whole tone) each time one input clock is received, and returns to 0 when the set number of divides is reached.

About Serge
 The Serge modular was originally developed as a system with a different voltage and size from the Eurorack, and is now also a Eurorack like this product, but its own rules regarding jacks and voltages to be used are as follows. There is.
  • The voltage range used is smaller than a normal Eurorack module. In the case of an oscillator, the upper and lower width of the voltage is 10 V (10 Vpp) in a normal Eurorack, whereas Serge Euro is 4 to 6 Vpp. The input to the filter etc. is also designed according to the level, so when using with other companies' products, please use the signal booster or attenuator as appropriate.
  • In Serge, the expected voltage per jack is represented by color.
     Red: Gate
     White: Unipolar (voltage of 0V or more)
     Black: Bipolar (assuming negative voltage as well as 0V or more)
     Regarding signal speed, all jacks work at audio and CV rates, which is a feature of the Serge system.


