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15,000円以上国内送料無料 | FREE DHL SHIPPING WORLDWIDE FOR ORDERS 50K+ yen : Details

Mutable Instruments Tides mk2

¥41,900 (税抜 ¥38,091)

Format: Eurorack
Width: 14HP
Depth: 25mm
Current: 50mA@+12V, 20mA@-12V, 0@5V

Manual (English)

保証: なし(受取り1週間以内の初期不良のみ対応)
付属品: 電源ケーブル、M3ネジ、元箱、おまけ



Tides are based on the movement of the rising to falling voltageVCO, LFO, EnvelopeIt is a multi-function generator to realize such functions. In addition to simple triangular signals that rise and fall in a straight line, you can also create complex shape signals by controlling the ratio of attack time decay time, irregularities of curves, and smoothness with knobs and voltages.

Mk2 related to each otherFour outputshas been upgraded in terms of accuracy and audio quality. Also, all control jacks except 1V/Oct have attenu barters.

The main features are as follows.
  • The middle button allows you to select three modes: AD envelope, cycle (For LFO and VCO applications), ASR envelope (sustain level is 100%)
  • The time range of the output signal is selected from three buttons. The Frequency knob range s at low (2 minutes to 2 Hz), medium (0.125 Hz to 32 Hz), high (8 Hz to 2kHz)
  • It is possible to deform the waveform with three knobs and CVs: attack time decay time ratio (SLOPE), curve irregularities (SHAPE), and smoothness (SMOOTHNESS).
  • By patching the external clock input, it is possible to synchronize the time that the envelope circles to an integer multiple of the clock period and one integer (from 1/16 to x16).
  • The relationship between the four outputs is switched by the button on the top right. SHIFT/LEVEL knob/CV input has different roles in different output modes
    • Different waveforms:In addition to the original envelope, four types of triangular envelopes, end of attack gates, and End of Release gates that are not affected by SMOOTH, are output from each jack. SHIFT/LEVEL becomes the attenuberta of the main output
    • Different heights: Envelopes of the same shape, but different sizes of each other. SHIFT/LEVEL rotates while crossfading between each output
    • Different phases: Output envelopes and oscillator signals of different phases, while the same waveform, the same frequency, and different. SHIFT/LEVEL controls phase shift
    • Different frequencies: The signal of different frequencies is output from four jacks though it is the same shape. Since each frequency is an integer multiple or an integer of the base frequency, each output is in a harmonic relationship when used as vco (genuine rule). SHIFT/LEVEL controls the frequency ratio between each output