Verbos Electronics Complex Oscillator
Format: Eurorack
Width: 32HP
Current: 70mA@ +12V, 50mA @ -12V
Complex Oscillator Spec (English pdf)
Format: Eurorack
Width: 32HP
Current: 70mA@ +12V, 50mA @ -12V
Complex Oscillator Spec (English pdf)
Complex Oscillator with wave shaperMaster Oscillator(right) and is internally connected as an AM/FM modulator to the master oscillatorModulation OscillatorIt is a high-quality west coast-style complex oscillator with two oscillators (left) that is based on Buchla.
This wide palette of sounds of the oscillator is maximized when making a complex sound using two oscillators.FM and AMwith the modulation of the warmWave Shapercan be combined to produce sounds of very complex waveforms, and a wide range of tones that can never be achieved with a single oscillator can be combined and synthesized. The modulation oscillator is also low frequency, but it can be used as an oscillator, and a unique strong sound works powerfully even when used as two single oscillators. The wave shaper is also a point where the thickness is not lost because the base sound remains even if the overtone is increased.
Like many complex oscillators,"Mod Index"and raise the knob from 0 to immediately start modulation without patching. You can also control the strength of this modulation with your CV. If you use a lot of modulation in the envelope, you can also create a powerful and unique percussion sound.
Each oscillator uses an analog triangle core, a linear and exponential CV input, and a 1V/Octave input. The modulation oscillator can be selected for three Triangle/Square/Saw waveforms and has a separate output for each waveform. The master oscillator has the output of each Triangle/Square/Sine waveform, and a signal through the wave shaper is output from the Master output. Wave shapers can change waveforms to Sine-Square-Saw-Fold Sine with both attenuators and CVs.